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Programmable Step Motor Indexer/Drive


Programmable Step Motor Indexer/Drive | 3540i

Programmable Step Motor Indexer/Drive

704,09 3540i

  • Powerful, Precise and Efficient MOSFET Driver Providing Up to 3.5 A per Phase and Microstepping to 50,800 Steps per Revolution
  • Accepts 12 to 42 Vdc Power Supply
  • Powerful, Flexible, Easy-to-Use Indexer
  • Connects by a Simple Cable to Your PC for Programming (Cable Included)
  • Microsoft Windows™-Based Software for Easy Set up and Programming
  • Eight Inputs for Interacting with the User and Other Equipment
  • Three Outputs for Coordinating External Equipment
  • All I/O is Optically Isolated, 5 to 24V, Sinking or Sourcing Signals. (Except PC/MMI Port which is ±12V RS232)
  • Sturdy 38.1 x 76.2 x 127 mm (1.5 x 3 x 5") Metal Chassis
  • Screw Terminal Connectors for Motor, DC Power and I/O Signals
  • Optional Man Machine Interface (MMI) Allows Operator to Enter Distances, Speeds, Loop Counts and More
  • Optional encoder + RS485 daughterboard
  • Sample Motion Programs Available by Request
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Find how a Stepper motor works on this link.

The 3540i is a programmable step motor driver suitable for a wide range of motion control applications. It includes a sophisticated controller integrated with a 140 watt microstepping amplifier. The 3540i includes Applied Motion's easy to use Si Programmer™ Windows software for the rapid development of stand-alone motion control programs. The 3540i can also be commanded in real time from a host PC or PLC, using the Si Command Language™. For multi-axis applications, up to 4 Applied Motion Si™ drives (stepper or Servo) can be networked using a single SiNet™ Hub. The 3540i includes 8 optically isolated programmable inputs for triggering, branching, position sensing and end of travel detection. 3 optically isolated programmable outputs can send signals to other electronic devices and activate relays. A daughterboard is available which provides an encoder input as well as an RS485 interface.

Learn more about stepper motors and drives: Introduction to Stepper Motors and Drives

Power Supply (Required for Drive Operation): Recommended: OMPS150A24

Si Programmer
Intended for use in stand-alone applications, Si (Simple Indexer) Programmer provides quick, out-of-the-box use with an extremely friendly, point-and-click graphical interface that does not require any software programming experience. Once an Si program has been constructed and downloaded to the drive, the program can be executed stand-alone at power-up or from an external trigger. Constructing a program is accomplished through the use of instructions selected in a point-and-click manner. Once an instruction is selected, a "fill in the blanks" format is used to input parameters.

Constructing an Si program requires no prior programming experience nor does it require learning a programming language. Si Programmer generates the actual motion control program, based on user selected parameters, thereby eliminating syntax errors. Once created, programs are easily downloaded, uploaded, saved and printed.

Si Programmer also provides the capability to control digital inputs and outputs, useful for interfacing with external equipment like PLCs, sensors, end-of-travel switches, and more. Si Programmer has found success in all types of applications, from simple linear actuator applications to complete machine control with operator interface applications.

Click here to download Si Programmer for free:
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Programmable step motor index drive
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NEMA 17, 62.8 oz-in holding torque, double shaft
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NEMA 23, 264 oz-in holding torque, double shaft
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Stepper drive power supply, 24 VDC, 6.3A
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Replacement programming cable (comes with drive)
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Replacement MMI and/or HUB communications cable (comes with MMI-01 and HUB 444)
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: Software and programming cable included. To see torque-speed curves for recommended motors, click on "Specs" above.
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