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Accelerometer Power Supplies. AC Powered Single Channel and Triaxial  - Not CE Certified


Accelerometer power supply | ACC-PS3A and ACC-PS4A

Accelerometer power supply

1 year warranty
  • Low Cost
  • High Performance
  • For Single Channel and Triaxial Accelerometers


The ACC Series Power supplies do not meet the CE regulations. They cannot be supplied in Europe.

OMEGA’s ACC-PS3A is an AC-powered, single-channel, high-performance accelerometer power supply. This low-cost unit features low noise and a rugged aluminium housing with 4 easily accessible mounting holes on 121 x 44 mm centres.

The ACC-PS4A is an AC-powered, triaxial, high-performance power supply for use with the ACC301A 3-axis accelerometers. It outputs the signal from all 3 axis. Along with low noise, this mains powered supply features a rugged aluminium housing with 4 easily accessible mounting holes on 121 x 44 mm centres.

These models are updated versions of the former ACC-PS3 and ACC-PS4 units.

Channels 1 3
Excitation Voltage 24 Vdc
Excitation Current 2 mA
Voltage Gain (±2%) 1x
Output Signal, FS Peak 10 Vdc
Noise, 0 to 10 Hz 0.2 mV rms
Input Power 115 or 230 Vac (specifiy)
Input Connector BNC 4-pin female
Output Connector BNC
Dimensions 135 x 43 x 66 mm
Weight 624 g
Bestellangaben (Bitte Modellnummer angeben)

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single channel power supply, 115 Vac powered
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single channel power supply, 230 Vac powered
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triaxial power supply for triaxial accelerometers, 115 Vac powered
Interface Cables
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1.8 metre long coaxial cable, BNC-M to BNC-M
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Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
4.5 metre long coaxial cable, BNC-M to BNC-M
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0.6 metre long coaxial cable, BNC-M to banana plug
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theACC-CB6
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180 mm long coaxial cable, BNC-M to pigtail leads
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: To order without mounting feet, add suffix "-NMF" to model number, no additional charge.

Each unit comes complete with operator's manual.
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