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16 Channel Relay BoardFor IBM PC and Compatibles


16 Channel Relay BoardFor IBM PC and Compatibles | CIO-RELAY16

16 Channel Relay BoardFor IBM PC and Compatibles

3 year warranty
  • 16 Form C Electro-Mechanical Relays
  • Contacts Rated 3A at 120 Vac or 28 Vdc Resistive
PC-Einsteckkarten - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


The CIO-RELAY16 allows a user to control 16 high voltage electronic devices from one slot in a PC. All 16 relays are full form C with three contacts per relay. Programming the board is simple, and requires no special software drivers. The board may be controlled from any language which supports writing to the computers’ I/O bus.
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Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Screw terminal board, requires C50FF-2 cable
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Connection cable, 2 ft
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: Note: Relays are rated at 3A, the C50FF-2 cable is only rated for 1A.
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