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Deutschland 07056-9398-0
Internationale Rufnummer++49 (0) 7056-9398-0


Milliamp Loop Calibrator | CL309A

Milliamp Loop Calibrator

1.204,73 CL309A

3 year warranty
  • All 4 to 20 mA Loop Functions
  • Accuracy to Better Than 0.025%
  • Large High Contrast Graphic Display
  • Battery Life Up to 70 Hours
  • Rechargeable Battery Optional
  • 3 Position Slide Switch
  • Unit Displays Either Milliamp or Percent
  • Compact, Lightweight and Rugged
  • Overload Protected
Kalibratoren - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


Model CL309A is a state of the art, highly reliable, rugged and easy to use milliamp calibrator. It has the functions necessary to perform all the required maintenance and calibration tasks of virtually any 4 to 20mA loop. It provides source and read milliamp functions along with power, measure, and 2-wire transmitter simulations. In addition, it can measure DC Voltage for troubleshooting power supplies.
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Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Milliamp loop calibrator
Lieferzeit: 4 Wochen
International power adapter, 100-240Vac, 50/60Hz
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Rechargeable battery
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: Comes with test leads, operator’s manual and 9V alkaline battery.
Ordering Example: (1) CL309A Milliamp loop calibrator, €1.204,73 
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