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Process and Strain Meter & Controller

DP25B Series

load cell panel indicator | DP25B Series

load cell panel indicator

447,84 DP25B-E

5 year warranty CE
  • 5-Year Warranty
  • 4-Digit Three Colour (Red, Green, Amber) Programmable LED Display
  • 1/8 DIN panel mount
  • Built-In Excitation
  • Scaling in Wide Range of Engineering Units
  • Analogue Output Optional
  • Dual Relays Optional
  • Peak Memory
  • Tare Button
Temperatur- und Prozessmessgeräte, Timer und Zähler - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


Click on this link if you need more information about Panel Meters.

The DP25B process or strain meters accept a wide variety of DC voltage and current inputs to cover any typical process application. Standard features include a full 4-digit three colour (Red, Green, & Amber) programmable LED display, easy front panel scaling to virtually any engineering units, selectable excitation of four voltages to work with most transducers and transmitters, front panel and remote tare function for weighing applications, and a hardware lockout to prevent unauthorised changes in setup. The meter also has the ability to change display brightness from high, medium and low. Four full digits and simplified scaling via the front-panel pushbuttons make it easy to set the display to read in any engineering units. All these standard features add up to an instrument with powerful capabilities at an extremely affordable price.
Please review pdf file (in related links) for full specifications and models available.
Bestellangaben (Bitte Modellnummer angeben)

Das haben Andere außerdem gekauft: Wenn Sie auf dieses Symbol klicken, erhalten Sie eine Liste mit Produkten, die andere Kunden zusammen mit diesem Modell gekauft haben.

Process Voltage and Current Input Meters
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Process Meter (Voltage and Current) with excitation. 230Vac powered
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theDP25B-E
Lieferzeit: 7 Wochen
Process Meter (Voltage and Current) with excitation. 110Vac powered
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theDP25B-E-AR
Lieferzeit: 2 Wochen
Process Meter (Voltage and Current) with excitation, dual relays and analogue output. 115Vac powered
Lieferzeit: 7 Wochen
Process Meter (Voltage and Current) with excitation and dual relay output. 230Vac powered
Lieferzeit: 7 Wochen
Process Meter (Voltage and Current) with excitation and analogue output. 230Vac powered
Lieferzeit: 7 Wochen
Process Meter (Voltage and Current) with excitation, dual relays and analogue output. 230Vac powered
Ratiometric Bridge Input Meters
Lieferzeit: ab Lager
Bridge Input Meter (Ratiometric Voltage and Current) with excitation. 230Vac powered
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theDP25B-S
Lieferzeit: 7 Wochen
Bridge Input Meter (Ratiometric Voltage and Current) with excitation. 110Vac powered
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theDP25B-S-A
Lieferzeit: 7 Wochen
Bridge Input Meter (Ratiometric Voltage and Current) with excitation and analogue output. 115Vac powered
Lieferzeit: 7 Wochen
Bridge Input Meter (Ratiometric Voltage and Current) with excitation and analogue output. 230Vac powered
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theDP25B-S-AI-R
Lieferzeit: 7 Wochen
Bridge Input Meter (Ratiometric Voltage and Current) with excitation, Isolated Analogue Output and Dual 5A Relays. 110Vac powered
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: Power Options are not field installable. All units come complete with a operator’s manual.
Ordering Example: (1) DP25B-S-230 4 Digit 1/8DIN panel meter for bridge input, €447,84


Stellen Sie Ihre Modellnummer zusammen

(1) TYPE Wählen Sie:
E für Process voltage and current inputs
S für Strain gauge bridge or process inputs

(2) Power Options Wählen Sie:
für 115 Vac power leave blank
-230 für 230 Vac power
-DC10/32 für 10 to 32 Vdc power
-DC26/56 für 26 to 56 Vdc power

(3) Output Options Wählen Sie:
für no options leave blank
-A für scaleable analogue output
-R für dual alarm relays
-AR für analogue and relay options
-AI-R für isolated analogue outputs and relay options
Anmerkung: Nicht alle Optionen können miteinander kombiniert werden, die gültigen Teilenummern entnehmen Sie bitte dem Datenblatt.

Zugehörige Dokumentation:

Download DP25-E and DP25B-E - 1/8 DIN Process Panel Meter
Download DP25-E and DP25B-E - Quick Start Manual for DP25-E Process Meter
Download DP25-S and DP25B-S - Strain Gage Panel Meter Full Manual
Download DP25-S and DP25B-S - Strain Gage Meter Quick Start Manual
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