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Deutschland 07056-9398-0
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Ratemeters, Totalizers and Batch Controllers for Frequency Inputs


Ratemeters, Totalizers and Batch Controllers for Frequency Inputs | DPF75

389,63 DPF75

1 year warranty CE
  • Front Panel Programming and Scaling
  • Rate and Total in One Unit
  • Remote or Front Panel Reset
  • Optional Analog Output for Rate or Total
  • NEMA-4X Front Panel
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The DPF75 is a combination 6-digit totalizer/batch controller and 5½ digit ratemeter with 2 relays. The user can set one relay for batch and the other for rate alarm. The totalizer and ratemeter display in the same engineering units: units per second, minute, or hour. The DPF75 can accept 2 inputs and separately scale them for "A - B" or "A + B". Either input A rate or net total can be displayed.

The DPF76 is a 6-digit scalable totalizer/batch controller with 2 relays for 2-stage batch control. The DPF78 is a 4½ digit scalable ratemeter with 2 alarm relays.

Input Power: 110 Vac ±15%, 220 Vac ±15%, 6.5 VA at rated AC voltage
Output Power (AC-Powered Units Only): +12 Vdc @ 50 mA unregulated— 10 + 50%
Rate Accuracy: ±0.1% of rdg + 1 LSD
K Factor: Up to 5-digits
    Operating: 0 to 54°C (32 to 129°F)
    Storage: -40 to 93°C (-40 to 199°F)
Memory: EEPROM stores data for 10 years if power lost
Pulse Input: Low = 0 to 1 Vdc; high = 4 to 30 Vdc; 10 kΩ impedance, up to 10 kHz; min 0.05 Hz for rate indication
Option "-LL": 30 mV min to 50V max p-p input, 10 kΩ impedance, 5 kHz max
Relays: Rated 5 A @ 240 Vac or 28 Vdc; SPST, selectable for NO or NC; relays latch or auto-recycle after 0.1 to 99.9 s
Panel Cutout: 4.5 H x 9.2 cm W (1.772 x 3.622"); DIN standard, 10.3 cm (4.06") depth
Shipping Weight: 907 g (2 lb)
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*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: For 220 Vac power, add suffix “-220 Vac” to part number No charge. For RS-232 or RS-422 output, add suffix “-RS232” or “RS-422” and add $128 to price. Example: DPF75-RS232 is a ratemeter/batch controller with RS-232 output. Price: $406. For field-selectable 4-20 or 0-20 mA output, add suffix “-A” to part number, and add $131 to price. -A option is not available on models with RS232 or RS422 option.
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