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i-Series 1/32 DIN Temperature/Process Panel Meters


Temperature and process Panel meters, 1/32 DIN | DPi32

Temperature and process Panel meters, 1/32 DIN

260,58 DPi32

5 year warranty CE
  • Temperature and process High Quality panel meters! Free 5-Year Warranty Extension
  • User Friendly, Simple to Configure
  • High Accuracy ±0.5 °C, 0.03% Reading
  • Built-in 10 or 24 Vdc Excitation is standard on all units without communications options
  • Three-colour programmable display
  • iSeries Controller Models are available with a variety of Outputs. Refer to CNi32, CNi16, CNi8
  • iSeries strain meters for load cell inputs are also available. Refer to DPiS32
Prüfgeräte - Temperatur - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


Click on this link if you need more information about Panel Meters.

OMEGA™ iSeries panel meters are among the most accurate in the industry and combine a wealth of advanced features whilst remaining simple to configure and use.

i/8, i/16, i32 Family
The DPi32 is a 1/32 DIN digital panel indicator and is part of the OMEGA™ iSeries family of microprocessor-based indicators and controllers which are also available in 1/8 and 1/16 DIN sizes. All have IP65 (NEMA-4) rated front panels. The iSeries instruments all share the same set-up and configuration menu's and method of operation, a tremendous time saver for integration of a large system.

High Quality and Reliability
The OMEGA™ DPi32 features an extended five year warranty at no extra charge. Every iSeries instrument is thoroughly calibrated and tested at several stages throughout production. The iSeries offers the highest accuracy for industrial instrumentation at 0.03% of reading.

Programmable Colour Display The display can be programmed to change colour at an alarm point. For example, the instrument can be programmed to display the Process Value in GREEN during warm-up, switching to AMBER to signal the normal operating range, and in RED to signal an alarm condition. The changes in colour are quickly seen from a distance, and machine operators can intuitively react to changing conditions.
The instrument can also be programmed to display only one unchanging colour: GREEN, AMBER, or RED. This is a useful when using multiple meters to show different parameters in the same panel.
iSeries temperature and process  meter

Universal Inputs

The iSeries offers the broadest selection of signal inputs available on one industrial instrument. The choices are easily selected from the Menu with four front panel push-buttons, or by serial communications:
Thermocouple types K, J, T, E, R, S, B, C, N, and J DIN.
RTD curves for Pt 0.00385 and 0.00392 at 100, 500 and 1000 ohms with a choice of 2-, 3- and 4-wire connections.
Process voltage ranges of 0-100 mV, 0-1 V and 0-10 V
Process current: 0-20 mA.

Analogue Output
The optional analogue output can be programmed within a range of 0-10 Vdc or 0-20 mA.

Alarm Output
The optional relay outputs can be programmed for High/Low, Above/Below or Band operation; latching or non-latching

Built-in Excitation Standard
The iSeries comes standard with built-in 24 Vdc @ 25 mA excitation for transmitters or other devices. ( not available with optional Isolated RS-232/RS-485 Serial communications.)

Optional Isolated RS-232 and RS-485 Serial Communications
The iSeries are the first intelligent industrial instruments to offer both RS-232 and RS-485 serial communications in one instrument which can be selected from the menu. ASCII text and MODBUS serial protocols are both supported.

Free Software
Free interface software is provided for easy set-up, configuration and data acquisition with the OMEGA™ iSeries. (Picture at right is an example of software that might be used).
Example software for the meter

Bestellangaben (Bitte Modellnummer angeben)

Das haben Andere außerdem gekauft: Wenn Sie auf dieses Symbol klicken, erhalten Sie eine Liste mit Produkten, die andere Kunden zusammen mit diesem Modell gekauft haben.

1/32 DIN Panel Meters with No Outputs
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Lieferzeit: 7 Wochen
1/32 DIN Panel Meter. 90 to 240Vac Powered
Lieferzeit: 7 Wochen
1/32 DIN Panel. 12 to 36 Vdc Powered
1/32 DIN Panel Meters with RS232 and RS485 Communications
Lieferzeit: 7 Wochen
1/32 DIN Panel Meter with Serial Communications. 90 to 240 Vac Powered
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1/32 DIN Panel Meter with Serial Communications. 12 to 36 Vdc Powered
1/32 DIN Panel Meters with Dual Alarm Relays
Lieferzeit: 7 Wochen
1/32 DIN Panel Meter with Dual Relays. 90 to 240Vac Powered
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
1/32 DIN Panel Meter with Dual Relays. 12 to 36Vdc Powered
1/32 DIN Panel Meters with Dual Alarm Relays and RS232/RS485
Lieferzeit: 7 Wochen
1/32 DIN Panel Meter with Dual Relays and Serial Comm's. 90 to 240 Vac Powered
Lieferzeit: 3 Wochen
1/32 DIN Panel Meter with Dual Relays and Serial Comm's. 12 to 36 Vdc Powered
1/32 DIN Panel Meters with Alarm Relay and Analogue Output
Lieferzeit: 7 Wochen
1/32 DIN Panel Meter with Analogue Output & Relay. 90 to 240 Vac Powered
Lieferzeit: 3 Wochen
1/32 DIN Panel Meter with Analogue Output & Relay. 12 to 36 Vdc Powered
1/32 DIN Panel Meters with Alarm Relay, Analogue Output & RS232/RS485
Lieferzeit: 7 Wochen
1/32 DIN Panel Meter with Analogue Output & Relay. Serial Comm's. 90 to 240 Vac Powered
Lieferzeit: 3 Wochen
1/32 DIN Panel Meter with Analogue Output & Relay. Serial Comm's. 12 to 36 Vdc Powered
Consult Sales  
Factory Scaling - Please specify input min/max and corresponding display values required in order comments
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Ordering Example: (1) DPI32 1/32 DIN Digital panel meter with universal input, €260,58


Stellen Sie Ihre Modellnummer zusammen

(1) Input Type Wählen Sie:
Keine (Feld leer lassen) für Temperature/Process Monitor
S für Strain

(2) Case Size Wählen Sie:
32 für 1/32 DIN
16 für 1/16 DIN
16A für 1/16 DIN and isolated analog output
8 für 1/8 DIN
8A für 1/8 DIN and isolated analog output
8C für 1/8 DIN with compact case

(3) Network Options Wählen Sie:
Keine (Feld leer lassen) für No Network Options
-C24 für Isolated RS232 and RS485 300 to 19.2 k baud
-EIT für Ethernet with Embedded Internet (only for DPi/DPiS8)
-C4EIT für Ethernet with Embedded Web Server + Isolated RS485/422 hub for up to 31 devices (only for DPi/DPiS8)

(4) Power Supply Wählen Sie:
Keine (Feld leer lassen) für Standard Power (90 to 240 Vac/dc @ 50 to 400 Hz)
-DC für Low Voltage Power (12 to 36 Vdc/24 Vac for single display. 20 to 36 Vdc/24Vac for dual display ethernet or isolated analog output)

(5) Factory Setup Wählen Sie:
Keine (Feld leer lassen) für Standard Unit
-FS für Factory Setup and Configuration
Anmerkung: Nicht alle Optionen können miteinander kombiniert werden, die gültigen Teilenummern entnehmen Sie bitte dem Datenblatt.


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