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Isolated DIN Rail Repeater/Splitter for Current Signals


Isolated DIN Rail Repeater/Splitter for Current Signals | DRSL-SP1

Isolated DIN Rail Repeater/Splitter for Current Signals

256,04 DRSL-SP1

1 year warranty CE
  • Isolation and Conversion of Current Signals
  • Splitter Function: 1 Current Input—2 Current Outputs
  • Slimline Housing—Only 6 mm (0.24") Wide
  • Fast Response Time <7 ms
  • High Accuracy, <0.05% of Span
  • Easy-to-Use—No Setup Needed
Mess- und Prozesstechnik - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


The DRSL-SP1 isolated repeater/ splitter provides a competitive choice in terms of both price and technology for galvanic isolation of current signals to SCADA systems or PLC equipment. Two current outputs are provided which mirror the single current input.

The DRSL-SP1 can be used for signal conversion of a standard process current signal into two individual analog signals. The unit offers 4-port isolation, provides surge suppression and protects control systems from transients and noise. The DRSL-SP1 also eliminates ground loops and can be used for measuring floating signals. Low power consumption facilitates DIN rail mounting without the need for any air gap. Measurement ranges are factory calibrated. The unit operates over a wide temperature range from -25 to 70°C (-13 to 158°F).

    Measurement Range: 0 to 20.5 mA
    Functional Range: 0 to 23 mA
    Input Voltage Drop: <1.5 Vdc

Number of Outputs: 2
    Signal Range: 0 to 20.5 mA (span)
    Load: 23 mA/300 Ω maximum
    Load Stability: ≤0.01% of span/100 Ω (span = 0 to 20 mA)
    Current Limit: ≤28 mA

Supply Voltage (via Power Rail or Connectors): 16.8 to 31.2 Vdc
Power Consumption: 0.8 W max
Internal Consumption: 0.4 W typical/0.65 W max
Isolation: Input/output 1/ output 2/supply
Isolation Voltage (Test): 2.5 kVac
Isolation Voltage (Working): 300 Vac
Signal/Noise Ratio: > 60 dB
Response Time (0 to 90%, 100 to 10%): <7 ms
Accuracy: < ±0.05% of span
Temperature Coefficient: <±0.01% of span/°C
EMC Immunity Influence: < ±0.5% of span
Extended EMC Immunity
    NAMUR NE 21, A Criterion, Burst:
<±1% of span

Operating Temperature: -25 to 70°C (-13 to 158°F)
Storage Temperature: -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)
Calibration Temperature: 20 to 28°C (68 to 82°F)
Relative Humidity: 0 to 95% RH non-condensing
Protection Degree: IP20
Installation Area: Pollution degree 2 and measurement/overvoltage category II

Dimensions: 113 H x 6.1 W x 115 mm D (4.4 x 0.24 x 4.5")
Weight: 70 g (0.15 lb) approx
DIN Rail Type: DIN EN 60715 - 35 mm
Wire Size: 0.13 x 2.5 mm2/AWG 26 to 12 stranded wire
Screw Terminal Torque: 0.5 Nm
Bestellangaben (Bitte Modellnummer angeben)
Lieferzeit: 2 Wochen
Isolated repeater/splitter for current signals
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Power rail (with cover and two end covers, one right hand and one left hand), 1 m (3.3') length
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Power connector unit, 24 Vdc/2.5 A output to power rail
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Module stop (screwed onto power rail to support and hold mounted devices)
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Ordering Example: (1) DRSL-MOD-STOP Module stop (screwed onto power rail to support and hold mounted devices), €7,72  plus (1) DRSL-PCU Power connector unit, 24 Vdc/2.5 A output to power rail, €120,88  plus (1) DRSL-PWR-RAIL Power rail (with cover and two end covers, one right hand and one left hand), 1 m (3.3') length, €169,30  plus (1) DRSL-SP1 Isolated repeater/splitter for current signals, €256,04, €7,72 + 120,88 + 169,30 + 256,04 = €553,94

Zugehörige Dokumentation:

Download Installation Guide for Signal Conditioners
Download DIN Rail Isolators and Signal Conditioners
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