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Universal Signal Transmitter with 2 Relay Output


Universal Programmable Signal Transmitter - 2 Relay Output | DRST-UR

Universal Programmable Signal Transmitter - 2 Relay Output

313,16 DRST-UR

1 year warranty CE
  • Input for RTD, TC, Ω, potentiometer, mA and V
  • 2-wire supply > 16 V
  • Output for current, voltage and 2 relays
  • Universal AC or DC supply
  • UL and cUL Approval
Messumformer und Transmitter - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


Advanced Features
Programmable via detachable display front, process calibration, signal and relay simulation, password protection, error diagnostics and selection of help text in several languages.
• Linearized, electronic temperature measurement with RTD or TC sensor.
• Conversion of linear resistance variation to a standard analog current/voltage signal, i.e. from solenoids and butterfly valves or linear movements with attached potentiometer.
• Power supply and signal isolator for 2-wire transmitters. Process control with 2 pairs of potential-free relay contacts and analog output.
• Galvanic separation of analog signals and measurement of floating signals.
• The DRST-UR is designed according to strict safety requirements and is therefore suitable for application in SIL 2 installations.
Technical Characteristics
• When DRST-UR is used in combination with the DRSL-DISPLAY programming front, all operational parameters can be modified to suit any application. As the DRST-UR is designed with electronic hardware switches, it is not necessary to open the device for setting of DIP-switches.
• A green/red front LED indicates normal operation and malfunction. A yellow LED is ON for each active output relay.
• A continuous check of vital stored data for safety reasons.
• 4-port 2.3 kVAC galvanic isolation.

Environmental Conditions
Operating Temperature: -20 to 60°C
Storage Temperature -20 to 85°C
Calibration Temperature20 to 28°C
Relative Humidity < 95% RH (non-cond.)
Protection Degree IP20
Mechanical Specifications
Dimensions (H x W x D): 109 x 23.5 x 104 mm
Dimensions (H x W x D) w/ 4501/4511:109 x 23.5 x 116 / 131 mm
Weight Approx: 170 g
Weight incl. 4501 / 4511 (approx.): 185 g/270 g
Wire Size: 1 x 2.5 mm2 stranded wire
Screw Terminal Torque: 0.5 Nm
Vibration: IEC 60068-2-6
2 to 13.2 Hz: ±1 mm
13.2 to 100 Hz: ±0.7 g
Common Specifications
Supply Voltage, Universal: 21.6 to 253 Vac, 50 to 60 Hz or 19.2 to 300 Vdc
Fuse: 400 mA SB/250 Vac
Max. Required Power: = 2.5 W
Isolation Voltage
Isolation Voltage, Test/Working: 2.3 k Vac/250 Vac
Response Time
Temperature Input (0 to 90%, 100 to 10%) = 1 s
mA/V Input (0 to 90%, 100 to 10%): = 400 ms
Auxiliary Supplies
2-w. supply (term. 44...43): 25 to 16 Vdc / 0 to 20 mA
Programming Communication enabler DRSL-DISPLAY
Signal/Noise Ratio: Min. 60 dB (0 to 100 kHz)
Accuracy Better than 0.1% of sel. range
EMC Immunity Influence < ±0.5% of span
Extended EMC Immunity: NAMUR NE21, A Criterion, Burst: < ±1% of span
Input specifications
RTD input
RTD Type:
Cable Resistance per Wire 50 Ω (max.)
Sensor Current: Nom. 0.2 mA
Effect of Sensor Cable Resistance (3/4-Wire): < 0.002 Ω/Ω
Sensor Error Detection: Yes
Short Circuit Detection: < 15 Ω
Linear Resistance Input
Linear Resistance Min/Max: 0 to 10000 Ω Potentiometer Input
Potentiometer Min/Max: 10 Ω to 100 kΩ
TC Input
Thermocouple Type: B, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T, U, W3, W5, LR
Cold Junction Compensation (CJC) via ext. Sensor in Connector 5910: 20 to 28°C = ±1°C, -20 to 20°C/28 to 70°C = 2°C
CJC via int. Mounted Sensor: ±(2.0°C + 0.4°C * ∆t)
∆t =: Internal temp.-ambient temp.
Sensor Error Detection: Yes
Sensor Error Current: When
Detecting/Else: Nom. 2 µA / 0 µA
Current Input
Measurement Range: 0 to 20 mA
Programmable Measurement Ranges: 0 to 20 and 4 to 20 mA
Input Resistance: Nom. 20 Ω + PTC 50 Ω Sensor Error Detection: Loop
Break 4 to 20 mA: Yes
Voltage Input
Measurement Range 0 to 12 Vdc
Programmable Measurement Ranges: 0/0.2 to 1, 0/1 to 5, 0/2 to 10 Vdc
Input Resistance: Nom. 10 MΩ
Output Specifications
Current Output
Signal Range: 0 to 20 mA
Programmable Signal Ranges: 0 to 20/4 to 20/20 to 0/20 to 4 mA
Load (@ Current Output): ≤ 800 Ω
Load Stability: ≤ 0.01% of span/100 Ω
Sensor Error Indication: 0/3.5/23 mA/none
NAMUR NE43 Upscale/Downscale:23 mA/3.5 mA
Output Limitation, on 4 to 20 and 20 to 4 mA Signals: 3.8...20.5 mA
Output Limitation, on 0 to 20 and 20 to 0 mA Signals: 0 to 20.5 mA
Current Limit:≤ 28 mA
Voltage Output
Signal Range: 0 to 10 Vdc
Programmable Signal Ranges: 0/0.2 to 1; 0/1 to 5 ; 0/2 to 10; 1 to 0.2/0; 5 to 1/0; 10 to 2/0 V
Load (@ Voltage Output): ≥ 500 kΩ
Relay Output
Relay Functions: Setpoint, Window, Sensor error, Latch, Power and Off
Max. Voltage: 250 VRMS
Max. Current:2 AAC or 1 ADC
Max. AC Power: 500 VA
Observed Authority Requirements
EMC: 2014/30/EU
LVD: 2014/35/EU
EAC:TR-CU 020/2011
UL: UL 508/C22.2 no. 14
DNV-GL Marine Stand. f. Certific. No. 2.4
EU RO Mutual Recognition Type
Approval: MRA000000Z
SIL Hardware assessed for use in SIL applications
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