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Stainless Steel Mass Flowmeters and Controllers

FMA2700, FMA2800, FMA3700, FMA3800 Series

Stainless Steel Mass Flowmeters and Controllers | FMA2700, FMA2800, FMA3700, FMA3800 Series

Stainless Steel Mass Flowmeters and Controllers

1.176,00 FMA2701

1 year warranty
  • Economical
  • Compact
  • Power Supply Included


Click here if you want to know more about flow meters.

The FMA2700/FMA2800 Series Electronic Mass Flow meters and FMA3700/FMA3800 Mass Flow Controllers provide high flow measurement performance and versatility. Omega’s new inline series features a “flow-through” zero dead space design for quicker processing and lower contamination. Available with onboard display and wall mounted power supply, the inline series is ideal for laboratory and test applications. Compact, lightweight and economical, the FMA2700/FMA2800 Series Electronic Mass Flowmeters and FMA3700/FMA3800 Mass Flow Controllers are perfect for gas flow application which require and all stainless steel construction.
Bestellangaben (Bitte Modellnummer angeben)
Flowmeters with Displays
Flowmeters without Displays
Controller with Displays
Controllers without Displays
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: All units are supplied with operator’s manual, 9-pin sub-D connector, power supply and NIST calibration. (No Data Points).
Add “-NIST5” to model number and a 5-point NIST Certificate will be included free of charge.
Add “-NIST10” to model number for a 10-point NIST Calibration Certificate and add $125 to price of unit.
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