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Low Flow Liquid Flow sensors

FTB4700 and FTB4800 Series

Low Flow Liquid Flow sensors | FTB4700 and FTB4800 Series

Low Flow Liquid Flow sensors

1 year warranty
  • Square Wave Output
  • One Moving Part
  • Rugged Nickel-Plated Brass Body or 316 Stainless Steel
Turbinen- und Flügelrad-Durchflussmesser - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


The FTB4700 Series is a plated brass meter ideal for water applications in the ranges 0.2 to 18 GPM. The FTB4800 provides a wide range flow metering in an extremely rugged stainless steel package. Single-jet simplicity combined with high quality jewel bearings result in long life and relatively high tolerance for problem fluids. Typical applications are chemical batching, proportional chemical injection, fertilizer injection, proportioning of spray chemicals, and general flow rate monitoring.

The FTB4700 is available with ½ or ¾" male thread, with union-type meter couplings. The FTB4800 is available with ½, ¾ or 1" female threads. A square wave output makes the FTB4700 or FTB4800 series ideal for many OEM control applications. This signal interfaces easily with programmable logic controllers and computer input boards. The FTB4700 or FTB4800 Series meters can be combined with the DPF701-A panel flow meter for reading flow rate or total flow, with 4 to 20 mA output.

Accuracy: ±1% FS
Maximum Temperature:
    FTB4700: 85°C (185°F)
    FTB4800: 93°C (200°F)
Maximum Pressure:
    FTB4700: 12 bar (175 psi)
    FTB4800: 35 bar (500 psi)
Output: Squarewave
    FTB4700: 5 to 30 Vdc
    FTB4800: 6 to 24 Vdc
Maximum Current: 20 mA
Cable: #22 AWG 3-conductor, 4 m (12')
Maximum Cable Run: 650 m (2000')
Maximum Pressure Drop: 15 psig
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Nickel-plated Brass
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Consult Sales  
308 PPG 1/2" MNPT, 0.2 to 10 GPM
Consult Sales  
174 PPG 3/4" MNPT, 0.2 to 18 GPM
316SS Body
Lieferzeit: 5 Wochen
560 PPG 1/2" FNPT, 0.1 to 10 GPM, 316SS Body
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
380 PPG 3/4" FNPT, 0.2 to 15 GPM, 316SS Body
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
168 PPG 1" FNPT, 0.5 to 25 GPM, 316SS Body
Lieferzeit: 8 Wochen
6 digit, 1/8 DIN panel meter for Rate or Total, 85 to 260 Vac powered, with dual relay outputs
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: FTB4700 Series comes complete with operator's manual and male NPT couplings.FTB4800 Series comes complete with operator's manual.

Zugehörige Dokumentation:

Download FTB4800 Series - Stainless Single-Jet Meter
Download FTB4700 Series - Low Flow Meter
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