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Deutschland 07056-9398-0
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Thermocouple Thermometer


HH300_303 Series Thermocouple Thermometer | HH303 OMEGAETTE®

HH300_303 Series Thermocouple Thermometer

191,67 HH303

  • Dual Input
  • Dual Display
  • 4 digit LCD
  • MAX, AVG, MIN, HOLD, REL Function
  • Low Battery Indication
  • Resolution 0.1°C, 0.1°F
  • External battery access door for easy battery changing
  • MAX, AVG, MIN Function
Tragbare Temperaturmessinstrumente - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


The HH300 Series meters offer 4 digit LCD displays with standard features of auto power off, MAX/IN/HOLD, 1 degree resolution, low battery indication and a external access door for easy battery changing.

The HH303 has dual inputs for type K or J. The software and interface cable options allow a PC to read the displayed data.

Type K:
-200 to 1370°C
Type J: -200 to 760°C
Accuracy: 0.1% rdg + 0.7°C
Input Protection: 60 Vdc or 24 Vrms AC maximum
Battery: 9 V (included), MN 1604
Battery Life: 120 hour (with alkaline)
Operating Range: 0 to 40°C <80% RH
Storage Range: -10 to 60°C <80% RH
Dimensions: 184 x 64 x 30 mm

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Anmerkung: Comes with meter, carrying case, 2 type K thermocouples, battery, and operators manual. Software package is optional.
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