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Deutschland 07056-9398-0
Internationale Rufnummer++49 (0) 7056-9398-0
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Economical Vane Handheld Anemometer with 72mm Diameter Probe


Economical Vane Anemometer with 2.83 Inch (72mm) Diameter Probe | HHF802

1 year warranty CE
  • Large LCD Reads Air Velocity and Temperature Simultaneously
  • Records Min. and Max. Reading with Recall
  • Data Hold Function
  • Auto Power Off
  • RS232 Serial Interface
Luftgeschwindigkeitsanzeigen und Windtunnel - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


More information about how an anemometer works in this link.

The HHF802 air velocity meter is an economical solution for any air flow application, such as, air conditioning and heating systems, wind speeds, balancing, and environmental testing. The portable HHF802 provides fast, accurate readings with digital readability and the convenience of a remote probe. The combination of low friction vane anemometer and standard thermistor delivers rapid and precise measurements. The microprocessor circuit assures the maximum possible accuracy and provides special functions and features.
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Vane anemometer
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Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Software and cable
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Replacement Probe for HHF802
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: Comes with complete operators manual, hard carrying case and 9V battery
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