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Clamp On Digital Multimeters for AC and DC Current

HHM590 Series

Clamp On Digital Multimeters for AC and DC Current | HHM590 Series

Clamp On Digital Multimeters for AC and DC Current

1 year warranty CE
  • GS-Mark EN61010-1 Approval Voltage Category III 600 V, Pollution Degree II
  • AC/DC Current Clamp
  • Highly Accurate 1999, 2500, 3999, 4300 Counts Resolution
  • MAX, Data Hold, PEAK, Æ ZERO Functions
  • Model HHM592, HHM592D, HHM596, HHM596C, HHM599 with Auto-Ranging Operation
  • Battery Life: 200 Hours
  • Dimensions: 250 H x 100 W x 46 mm D (9.9 x 3.9 x 1.8")
  • Weight: Approx. 320 g (10.8 oz)


Models to Choose From:

HHM599 AC/DC True-RMS Clamp meter: 3 3/4 digit 3999 counts, AC current to 700 Amps, DC current to 700 Amps, DC current accuracy ± 1.5% Resistance accuracy ± 0.3%

HHM590 Clamp-On Multimeter 1999 counts resolution, AC current measurement up to 700 Amps

HHM591 Clamp-On Multimeter 1999 counts resolution, AC current up to 700 Amps, DC current up to 700 Amps

HHM596C AC/DC Clamp-On Multimeter 4300 counts resolution, AC current up to 700 Amps, DC current up to 700 Amps,AC volt basic accuracy ±1.2%, DC current basic accuracy ±1.5%, with °C/°F switchable type K thermocouple

HHM598 Clamp-On Multimeter 1999 counts resolution, AC current measurement up to 700 Amps,AC current basic accuracy ±1.5%

HHM598T AC True-RMS Clampmeter 1999 counts resolution, AC current measurement up to 700 Amps, Basic accuracy ± 1.5%

Bestellangaben (Bitte Modellnummer angeben)

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Consult Sales  
True-RMS Clampmeter with 3 3 /4 digit 3999 counts, AC current up to 700 Amps, DC current up to 700 Amps, DC current accuracy ± 1.5% Resistance accuracy ± 0.3%
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theHHM590
Consult Sales  
Multimeter,1999 counts resolution, AC current measurement up to 700 Amps
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theHHM591
Consult Sales  
Multimeter,1999 counts resolution, AC current up to 700 Amps, DC current up to 700 Amps
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theHHM596C
Consult Sales  
Clamp-On Multimeter, 4300 counts resolution, AC current up to 700 Amps, DC current up to 700 Amps,AC volt basic accuracy ±1.2%, DC current basic accuracy ±1.5%, with °C/°F switchable type K thermocouple
Consult Sales  
Multimeter, 1999 counts resolution, AC current measurement up to 700 Amps,AC current basic accuracy ±1.5%
Consult Sales  
True-RMS Clampmeter, 1999 counts resolution, AC current measurement up to 700 Amps, Basic accuracy ± 1.5%
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Extra set of test leads
Lieferzeit: ab Lager
Extra 9V alkaline battery
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: All clamp on meters include free set of safety test leads, 9V alkaline battery, type K beaded wire thermocouple (temperature models only) and complete operator's manual.View PDF File below for complete Specification Information
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