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Economical Non-Contact Pocket Optical Tachometer


Economical Non-Contact Pocket Optical Tachometer | HHT12

Economical Non-Contact Pocket Optical Tachometer

292,60 HHT12

1 year warranty CE
  • Operating Range Up to 900 mm (Red LED)
  • Rugged Ergonomic Rubberised Housing
  • Lock “ON”
  • Tripod Mounting Bushing for Hands Free Operation
  • Autoranging or Fixed Decimal User Selectable


The HHT12 is a digital, battery-powered portable optical tachometer. The unique design allows you safely view both the target and the display at the same time, while providing a no-slip rubber housing. HHT12 is the value leader of the world-class Pocket Tachometer Series from OMEGA.

Features include a 5 digit/alpha-numeric LCD display and a range from 5 to 99,999 RPM. Accuracy is 0.01% of reading or ±1 Digit. The HHT12 also includes maximum, minimum and last memory. Operating range is from 50 to 915 mm.
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Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
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Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
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*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: Comes complete with two 150 x 12 mm strips of reflective tape, two “AA” batteries and complete operator manual.
Ordering Example: (1) HHT12 Handheld tachometer, €292,60
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