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Deutschland 07056-9398-0
Internationale Rufnummer++49 (0) 7056-9398-0
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Handheld Water Test Meter with Data Logging to SD Card

HHWT-SD1 Series

Water Test Meter | HHWT-SD1 Series

Water Test Meter

1 year warranty CE
  • Capable of Measuring pH, Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP), Conductivity, TDS (Total Dissolved Solids), DO (Dissolved Oxygen) or Salt Content
  • Dissolved Oxygen Measurements Can Be Compensated for Salt, Altitude and Temperature
  • Measures Oxygen Content of a Volume of Air
  • Optional ATC for pH Compensation
  • Records Max and Min Readings
  • Performs Real-Time Automatic Data Logging
  • Sampling Time Settable from 1 Sec to 9 Hrs
  • Large Easy-to-Read Green Backlit LCD
  • Auto Power-Off Function
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The HHWT-SD1 is a general purpose handheld instrument capable of measuring the pH, Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) or conductivity of a solution, as well as its TDS (Total Dissolved Solids), DO (Dissolved Oxygen) or salt content. Using the included conductivity/TDS/salt probe, an optional DO probe, and optional ORP or pH electrodes the meter can measure pH from 0 to 14, ORP from -1999 mV to 1999 mV, conductivity up to 200 mS (milliSiemens), TDS up to 132,000 ppm, DO up to 20 mg/L, and salt content up to 12% by weight.

The HHWT-SD1 is designed for water conditioning, wastewater monitoring, beverage production, aquaculture (fish farming), aquariums, pulp and paper processing, electroplating, and photography applications.

A front-panel pushbutton enables rapid switching among the meter’s four measurement modes. The HHWT-SD1 is portable, reliable and has the large storage capacity that an SD memory card offers. Measurements can be made automatically at any sampling rate between one second and nine hours. After timestamping and storing the measurements on an SD card plugged into the meter, the user can remove the card and plug it into to a computer either directly or via a USB card reader. The values are stored on the card as files with the .xls extension, which can be opened by Microsoft Excel®.

Display Size: 52 x 38 mm
Measurement Range:
    pH: 0 to 14 (probe sold separately)
    ORP: -1999 to 1999 mV (probe sold separately)
    Conductivity: Up to 200 mS (microSiemens)
    TDS: Up to 132,000 ppm
    DO: Up to 20 mg/L (probe sold separately)
    Salt: Up to 12% by weight
Measurement Accuracy:
    pH: ±(0.02 pH units + 2 digits) (probe sold separately)
    ORP: ±(0.5% of reading + 2 digits) (probe sold separately)
    Conductivity: ±2% of full-scale reading + 1 digit
    TDS: ±2% of full-scale reading + 1 digit
    Temperature: ±0.8°C/±1.5°F
    DO: ±0.4 mg/L in solution (probe sold separately)
    Oxygen: 0.1% for oxygen in air (probe sold separately)
    Salt: ±0.5% of value
Temperature Compensation: Automatic between 0 and 65°C with optional ATC temperature probe. Manually settable between 0 and 100°C without ATC probe
Settable Parameters: Date, time, auto power off, beep sound, sampling time, decimal point or comma decimal division, temperature unit, compensation temperature. Also salt and altitude compensation (DO mode only)
Operating Temperature: 0 to 50°C
Meter Dimensions: 135 H x 60 W x 33 mm D
Weight: 1 kg

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*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: Comes complete with meter, combination conductivity/TDS/salt probe, hard carrying case, 2 GB SD memory card and operaror’s manual (solutions sold separately).
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