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PFA Coated Thermocouple Probes with Standard Connectors

(*)SS Series PFA Coated

PFA Coated Thermocouple Probes with Standard Connectors | (*)SS Series PFA Coated

PFA Coated Thermocouple Probes with Standard Connectors

  • Chemically Inert
  • Electrically Insulated
  • Made with Class 1 Accuracy MI Cable
  • Abrasion Resistant
  • Rated to 205°C (400°F)
  • Quick Disconnect Style
  • 1.5 or 3 mm Diameter
  • Grounded Junction
  • 300, 450 or 600 mm Sheath Lengths Standard
  • 0.25 mm PFA Coating (typical)
Thermoelemente und Widerstandsfühler - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


Find how Thermocouple probes work on this link.

PFA Coated Probes are the perfect solution when there is a need to measure the temperature of caustic or corrosive chemical solutions in industrial and laboratory environments. The superior corrosion resistance of PFA allows you to measure the temperature of sulfuric, hydrochloric, nitric and chromic acids, as well as caustic compounds.

Examples of some popular models are listed in the To Order Box. For full configuration availability please use the Part Number Builder.
Bestellangaben (Bitte Modellnummer angeben)
Lieferzeit: 5 Wochen
Type K thermocouple with 300 mm long 1.5 mm diameter PFA coated sheath
Lieferzeit: 5 Wochen
Type K thermocouple with 300 mm long 3 mm diameter PFA coated sheath
Lieferzeit: 5 Wochen
Type K thermocouple with 600 mm long 1.5 mm diameter PFA coated sheath
Lieferzeit: 5 Wochen
Type K thermocouple with 600 mm long 3 mm diameter PFA coated sheath
Lieferzeit: 5 Wochen
Type T thermocouple with 300 mm long 1.5 mm diameter PFA coated sheath
Lieferzeit: 5 Wochen
Type T thermocouple with 300 mm long 3 mm diameter PFA coated sheath
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: Consult Sales for Custom Configurations
Ordering Example: (1) CPSS-IM30G-300-PFA PFA coated thermocouple probe, type T, stainless steel sheath, 3 mm dia., grounded, 300 mm long,, €95,77


Stellen Sie Ihre Modellnummer zusammen

(1) Thermocuple Type Wählen Sie:
CASS für Chromega-Alomega Type K
CPSS für Copper-Constantan Type T
ICSS für Iron-Constantan Type J
CXSS für Chromega-Constantan Type E

(2) Sheath Diameter Wählen Sie:
15 für 1.5 mm
30 für 3 mm
60 für 6 mm

(3) Sheath Length Wählen Sie:
300 für 300 mm
450 für 450 mm
600 für 600 mm
Anmerkung: Nicht alle Optionen können miteinander kombiniert werden, die gültigen Teilenummern entnehmen Sie bitte dem Datenblatt.
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