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General Purpose Electropneumatic Transducers - NOT CE Compliant - Not for sale in UK/EU

IP211 and EP211

General Purpose Electropneumatic Transducers | IP211 and EP211

General Purpose Electropneumatic Transducers

443,72 IP211-X15

  • Low Cost
  • Built-in Volume Booster
  • Small Size
  • Field Reversible
  • Low Air Consumption
  • Mounts at Any Angle
  • Convenient External Span and Zero Adjustment
    (Except for Explosion Proof Models)
  • NEMA 4 (IP65 Enclosure)
  • Wide Supply Pressure Range
  • Low Supply Pressure Sensitivity
Ventile, Regler und I/P-Konverter - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


The IP211/EP211 Series transducer is an electropneumatic device that reduces a supply pressure to a regulated output pressure directly proportional to an electrical input signal. The 211 Series accepts a wide range of supply pressures, ranging from a minimum of 3 psig (0.2 BAR) above the maximum output up to 100 psig (6.9 BAR). An integral pneumatic volume booster is included in the design to provide high flow capacity (up to 12 SCFM). Model selection includes General Purpose, FM Intrinsically Safe, and CSA Intrinsically Safe.

These transducers can be pipe, panel, or bracket mounted in any position. Positions other than verticle will require recalibration of the zero adjustment. For maximum output stability the transducers should be mounted in a vibration free location or such that vibration is isolated in the X and Z axis.

Field Reversible
All transducers are calibrated at the factory for direct acting operation but may be used in the reverse acting mode by reversing the polarity of the signal leads and recalibrating. When recalibrated for reverse acting applications, the transducers provide a minimum of their full rated output pressure (i.e.15, 27, or 30 psig) upon input signal failure.

Please Review the pdf Spec Sheet for Complete Product Specifications!
Bestellangaben (Bitte Modellnummer angeben)

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General Purpose Current to Pressure (i/p)
FM Intrinsically Safe Current to Pressure (i/p)
CSA Intrinsically Safe Current to Pressure (i/p)
General Purpose Voltage to Pressure (e/p)
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Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
4-Conductor Shielded Wire
Consult Sales  
Reference Book: Fundamentals of Temperature, Pressure & Air Flow Measurement
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: Comes with complete operator’s manual and mounting bracket.
Ordering Example: (1) IP211-X60 2 to 60 psig, 0.1 to 4.1 bar, 4 to 20 mA input range, €523,73
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