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NEMA 4X Washdown Duty Disconnect Switches

KEM_KER_KET Series UL508 Listed Manual Motor Controllers

NEMA 4X Washdown Duty Disconnect Switches | KEM_KER_KET Series UL508 Listed Manual Motor Controllers

NEMA 4X Washdown Duty Disconnect Switches

131,14 AU-KEM325UL-YR

  • Across-the-Line Motor Starting
  • General Use Rating 25 to 150A
  • 3-Pole, 600 Vac
  • Interrupting Capacity Rating 10kA
  • Indoor or Outdoor Use
  • UL508 Listed Manual Motor Controllers (UL60947-4-1A)
  • Auxiliary Contacts Available
Antriebe und Motoren - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


These enclosed disconnect switches can be used for general purpose disconnects or locally for across-the-line manual motor controller. They are for indoor or outdoor use and all models are pad lockable for up to three ¼" pad locks. The steel models are NEMA 4 and IP65 rated. The polycarbonate and stainless steel models are NEMA 4X and IP66 rated and are ideal for use in corrosive environments like food processing and marine locations.

For specifications and dimensions ... see "Specs" above for details.
Bestellangaben (Bitte Modellnummer angeben)
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Enclosed disconnect switch general purpose rating of 25 Amps 600 Vac, polycarbonate enclosure with black pad lockable handle.
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Enclosed disconnect switch with general purpose rating of 25 Amps 600 Vac, polycarbonate enclosure with yellow/red pad lockable handle.
Lieferzeit: 14 Wochen
Enclosed disconnect switch general purpose rating of 40 Amps 600 Vac, polycarbonate enclosure with black pad lockable handle.
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Enclosed disconnect switch with general purpose rating of 40 Amps 600 Vac, polycarbonate enclosure with yellow/red pad lockable handle.
Lieferzeit: 14 Wochen
Enclosed disconnect switch general purpose rating of 25 Amps 600 Vac, steel enclosure with black pad lockable handle.
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: These models are disconnect switches only and do not contain thermal overloads or provide short circuit protection.

Ordering Example: 

(1) AU-KET340UL NEMA 4 steel enclosed disconnect switch with black handle, rated for 40A general purpose use., €592,37


Stellen Sie Ihre Modellnummer zusammen

(1) Enclosure Wählen Sie:
KEM für Polycarbonate
KET für Steel
KER für Stainless Steel

(2) General Purpose Amps Wählen Sie:
325 für 25A 3-pole
340 für 40A 3-pole
360 für 60A 3-pole
380 für 80A 3-pole
3100 für 100A 3-pole
3125 für 125A 3-pole
3150 für 150A 3-pole (available in polycarbonate only)

(3) Handle Color Wählen Sie:
Keine (Feld leer lassen) für Black
-YR für Yellow/Red
Anmerkung: Nicht alle Optionen können miteinander kombiniert werden, die gültigen Teilenummern entnehmen Sie bitte dem Datenblatt.
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