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Deutschland 07056-9398-0
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Compact DIN Rail Thermostat with UL-approval and Tool-Free Wiring

KT011 Series

Compact DIN Rail Thermostat with UL-approval and Tool-Free Wiring | KT011 Series

28,37 KT011409-U

1 year warranty CE
  • Easy Adjustability of Switchpoint
  • Push-In Terminals for Tool-Free Wiring
  • Available with °C or °F
  • Color Coded Temperature Dials
Regler, Anzeiger und Schaltgeräte - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


Thermostat "NC" (Normally Closed): Thermostat opens at temperature. Comes with a RED temperature dial.
Thermostat "NO" (Normally Open): Thermostat closes at temperature rise. Comes with a BLUE temperature dial.

Products are transitioning to an upgraded model as shown below.


Switch temperature difference: 7 K (±4 K tolerance)
Sensor element: thermostatic bimetal
Contact type: snap-action contact
Service life: 100,000 cycles verified
Max. operating voltage, frequency range: AC 250 V, 50-60 Hz
Max. inrush current: AC 16 A for 10 sec.
Connection1: 2 Push-In clamps
                        rigid wire 2.5 mm² (AWG 14)
                        stranded wire 1.5 mm² (AWG 16)
Mounting: clip for 35 mm DIN rail, EN 60715
Casing: plastic according to UL94 V-0, light grey
Dimensions: 60 x 33 x 41 mm
Weight: approx. 40 g
Fitting position: variable
Operating/Storage temperature: -45 to +80 °C (-49 to +176 °F)
Operating/Storage humidity: max. 90 % RH (non-condensing)
Protection type/Protection class: IP20 / II
Overvoltage category/Altitude: II: up to 5,000 m; III: up to 2,000 m

¹ Stripped length of rigid wire: 10 to 12 mm. When connecting with wires, wire end ferrules must be used (square or trapezoid crimp). Length of wire end ferrule: 10 mm or 12 mm.

Important note: The contact system of the regulator is subjected to environmental influences, thus the contact resistance may change. This can lead to a voltage drop and/or self-heating of the contacts.

Sensor Element: Thermostatic bi-metal
Maximum Tolerance: ±7 °F (4K)
Switching Difference (Hysteresis): 12.6°F ±5.4°F (7°C ±3K)
Service Life: 100,000 cycles
Switching Capacity (Max Load): 15 A resistive/2 A inductive @ 120 Vac, 10 A resistive/2 A inductive @ 250 Vac, DC 30W
Minimum Load: 20 mA (all voltages)
Connections: 2-pole terminal for AWG 14 max [2.5 mm 2 (0.10 in 2)]
Mounting: Clip for 35 mm (1.4") DIN rail (EN 50022)
Dimensions: 60 H x 33 W x 43 mm D (2.4 x 1.3 x 1.7")
Housing: Plastic, UL94V-0
Weight: 40 g (1.4 oz)
Protection Type: NEMA 2 (IP20)
Operating Temperature: -45 to 70°C (-49 to 158°F)
Storage Temperature: -45 to 70°C (-49 to 158°F)
Specifications are subject to change without notice. Suitability of this product for its intended use and any associated risks must be determined by the end customer/buyer in its final application.
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Please see KT011409-A or KT011409-U as a possible replacement.

Thermostat, NC-open on rise, 32 to 140°F
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theKT011419
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Please see KT011419-A or KT011419-U as a possible replacement.

Thermostat, NO-close on rise, 32 to 140°F
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theKT011469
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Please see KT011469-A or KT011469-U as a possible replacement.

Thermostat, NC-open on rise, 0 to 60°C
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche

Please see KT011479-A or KT011479-U as a possible replacement.

Thermostat, NO-close on rise, 0 to 60°C
Lieferzeit: 11 Wochen
UL-approved, compact thermostat, normally closed, 32-140F, red dial
Lieferzeit: 10 Wochen
UL-approved, compact thermostat, normally open, 32-140F, blue dial
Lieferzeit: 18 Wochen
UL-approved, compact thermostat, normally closed, 0-60C, red dial
Lieferzeit: 18 Wochen
UL-approved, compact thermostat, normally open, 0-60C, blue dial
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: Comes complete with operator’s manual.
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