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Deutschland 07056-9398-0
Internationale Rufnummer++49 (0) 7056-9398-0
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Linear Displacement Sensor, Non-Contact


Non-Contact Linear Displacement sensor - Order online | LD701

Non-Contact Linear Displacement sensor - Order online

444,37 LD701-1/2

  • Inductive Technology for Sensing Metal Targets
  • Insensitive to Dust, Dirt, and Oils; Ideal for Industrial Applications
  • Compact Design
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Non-contact linear sensors have an analogue output that is proportional to the target distance. Their compact yet sturdy design makes them well-suited for industrial, robotics and laboratory use. These sensors utilise inductive technology, which means they are capable of sensing any metal target. The sensing distance, however, is influenced by the metal target. Ranges are calibrated using a standard square target. The target is mild steel (Fe 360), 1 mm thick. The side lengths are the larger of either the sensor’s face diaphragm or three times the sensing distance.

Excitation: 14-30 Vdc @ 20 mA; unregulated, reverse polarity and short circuit protected
Output: 1-9 Vdc
Output Load: 20 mA max
Repeatability: 0.01 mm (0.0004")
Compensated Temp.: 0 to 60°C
Total Thermal Effects: 1µm/°C/mm
Housing: Nickel-plated brass
Electrical Conn.: 1.8 m, 3-core 22 AWG pigtail leads (20 AWG for 30 mm)
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*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
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