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Deutschland 07056-9398-0
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Level Alert Single Sensor Controller


Level Alert | LVCN-100

Level Alert

464,52 LVCN-100-CE

1 year warranty
  • Calls Immediate Attention to Alarm Conditions
  • High Intensity Strobe Light Reduces Operator Error
  • Mounts Directly on Sensor or OMEGA ® Track System
  • Convenient Reminder to Refill Tank
  • Adjustable Time Delay Relay
  • Controls Pumps, Valves and Alarms
  • LED Displays Switch, Sensor and Relay Status
Füllstandmessung - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


OMEGA’s level alert calls attention to alarm conditions. For operator alert to low inventory levels or high alarm conditions, the level alert offers an excellent solution to these problems. An amber lens distributes the high intensity strobe light in a pattern which calls immediate attention to alarm conditions. The visual alert combined with a controller makes it both cost effective and easy to install.
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: Comes complete with operator’s manual.
Ordering Example: (1) LVCN-100-CE Level alert single sensor controller, €464,52
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