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Voltage Data Loggers


DC Voltage Data Logger | OM-CP-VOLT101A

DC Voltage Data Logger

223,75 OM-CP-VOLT101A-2.5V

5 year warranty CE
  • Voltage Data Logger with Multiple Start/Stop Function
  • Programmable Engineering Units
  • Large Data Storage 1,000,000 Readings
  • 10-Year Battery Life
  • LED Alarming
  • High Speed Download Capability


The OM-CP-VOLT101A voltage data logger provides a low cost solution for logging single channel DC Voltages. Its high accuracy and 16-bit resolution place this product at the forefront of low level DC voltage recording devices. This data logger is ideal for accurately measuring and recording battery voltages, sensor output signals, photovoltaic studies, as well as many other low level DC voltage sources. With user programmable engineering units, the user can scale the input voltage automatically. The OM-CP-VOLT101A is available in four different input ranges: 160 mV, 2.5V, 15V and 30V versions. Data retrieval is simple. Plug the device into an available USB port and our easy-to-use software does the rest. The software converts a PC into a real-time strip chart recorder. Data can be printed in graphical and tabular format or exported to a text or Microsoft Excel file.

Voltage Input Range
±160 mV
-3 to +3 V
-8 to +24 V
-8 to +32 Vdc
5 µV
0.1 mV
0.5 mV
1.0 mV
Calibrated Accuracy
Input Impedance
>1 MΩ
125 kΩ
Overload Protection
±5 V**
±50 V*
Input Type
Single ended
* Indefinately
** For 10 seconds

Input Connection: Removable screw terminals
Specified Accuracy Range: Nominal range @ 25°C
Analogue Conversion Time: 133 mS
Frequency Rejection: 50/60 Hz
Alarm: User selectable high and low limits; blinking LED for alarm and low battery
Start Modes: Software programmable immediate start, delay start up to 18 months in advance, multiple start/stop mode
Multiple Start/Stop Mode: Start and stop the device multiple times without having to download data or communicate with a PC
ADC Resolution:16-bits
Voltage Calibration: Digital calibration is available in software
Calibration Date: Automatically recorded within device to alert user when calibration is required
Recording Interval: 4Hz to 1 every 24 hours, selectable in software.
Real Time Recording: Device may be used with PC to monitor and record data in real time
Red Visual Indicator: LED flashes at selected reading rate
Memory: 1,000,000 readings. Configurable memory wrap. 330,000 readings in multiple start/stop mode.
Power: 3.6 V lithium battery included
Battery Life: 10 years at 15 min reading rate
Time Accuracy: ±1 minute/month (at 20C, stand alone logging)
Data Format: Date and time stamped, microvolts, millivolts, volts, other engineering units programmable through software
Weight: 24 g
Computer Interface: USB
Communications: 115,200 baud
Software: Windows XP SP3, Vista and 7 (32 and 64 bit)
Operating Environment: -40 to 80°C, 0 to 95% RH non-condensing
Dimensions: 64 L x 36 W x 16 mm D

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*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: Comes complete with 3.6V lithium battery.
Operator’s manual and USB interface cable are included with the OM-CP-IFC200 Windows software (software is required to operate the data logger and is sold separately).
Ordering Example: (1) OM-CP-IFC200 Windows software & USB interface cable, €179,79  plus (1) OM-CP-VOLT101A-2.5V Voltage data logger, -3 to 3 Vdc, €223,75, €179,79 + 223,75 = €403,54

Zugehörige Dokumentation:

Download OM-CP Series - Data Logger Quickstart Guide
Download OM-CP Series - Data Logger and Software User Guide


Download OM-CP Data Logging Software
Download OM-CP software
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