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Popular Precision Thermistor Probes for Laboratory Applications Models ON-40(*)-P

ON-400 Series

Popular Precision Thermistor Probes for Laboratory Applications Models ON-40(*)-P | ON-400 Series

94,82 ON-401-PP

  • Precision Thermistor
  • Various Styles to Meet Numerous Applications
  • Phone-Plug Connector Standard
  • 2252 Ohm @ 25 Degrees C


Click on this link if you need more information about Thermistor elements.

OMEGA ENGINEERING Series "400" probes are for use in laboratory and R&D applications and have
interchangeable sensor accuracy of ±0.1°C. Each sensor is supplied with a 10-foot vinyl cable and
phone-plug connector. The Series "400" probes are 2252 Ohm @ 25°C.

Dimensions in mm (")
ThermistorON-401-PPGeneral Purpose. Used for short-term water and sub-soil readings. Most rugged, waterproof construction.100°C
ThermistorON-401-PP-VWater resistant, soft, flexible, vinyl tipped version of above model. 
ThermistorON-402-PPSmall Flexible. Vinyl sheath and tip. Cuvette temperatures. General purpose measurement. Continuous length.100°C
General Purpose
ThermistorON-403-PPTubular. Stainless steel probe for rugged duty. Often used for liquid immersion. Probe is immersible only to cap.100°C
ThermistorON-404-PPTubular-Glass. Chemically inert for liquid immersion use. Thermometric titration. Freezing point determination. Pyrex, 127 mm (5") long.100°C
ThermistorON-405-PPAir Temperature. Stainless steel probe suitable for test rooms, incubators, remote air readings, monitoring of gas streams, etc.100°C
ON-406-PPSame as ON-405-PP but with economical plastic housing.
ThermistorON-408-PP"Banjo" Surface Temperature. Skin, oral, axillary, water bath, air, surfaces temperatures. Stainless steel.100°C
ThermistorON-409-PPAttachable Surface Temperature. Stainless steel cup, epoxy-backed. Easy to tape on flat surfaces. Good for heat loss or compression efficiency study of piping.100°C
ThermistorON-410-PPTubular With Fitting. Rugged, stainless steel probe with pipe fitting.Suitable for taking readings in pipes or inside closed vessels.100°C
Gas, Liquid
Bestellangaben (Bitte Modellnummer angeben)

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Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
General Purpose. Used for short-term water and sub-soil readings. Most rugged, water resistant construction.
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Vinyl tipped version of above model.
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theON-402-PP
Lieferzeit: 17 Wochen
Small Flexible. Vinyl sheath and tip. Cuvette temperatures. General purpose measurement. Continuous length.
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theON-403-PP
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Tubular. Stainless steel probe for rugged duty. Often used for liquid immersion. Probe is immersible only to cap.
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theON-405-PP
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Air Temperature. Stainless steel probe suitable for test rooms, incubators, remote air readings, monitoring of gas streams, etc.
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theON-406-PP
Lieferzeit: 5 Wochen
Same as ON-405-PP but with economical plastic housing.
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theON-409-PP
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Attachable Surface Temperature. Stainless steel cup, epoxy-backed. Easy to tape on flat surfaces. Good for heat loss or compression efficiency study of piping.
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theON-410-PP
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Tubular With Fitting. Rugged, stainless steel probe with pipe fitting.Suitable for taking readings in pipes or inside closed vessels.
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: (Price includes phone termination and 10 feet of vinyl lead wire)
Ordering Example: (1) ON-410-PP Tubular With Fitting. Rugged, stainless steel probe. Suitable for taking readings in pipes or inside closed vessels. 100°C temperature rating., €177,63  plus (1) ON-410-PP Tubular With Fitting. Rugged, stainless steel probe. Suitable for taking readings in pipes or inside closed vessels. 100°C temperature rating., €177,63, €177,63 + 177,63 = €355,26
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