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Deutschland 07056-9398-0
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Precision Thermistor Sensors for Laboratory Applications

ON-401_ON-402 Series General Purpose Thermistor Sensors

Precision Thermistor Sensors for Laboratory Applications | ON-401_ON-402 Series General Purpose Thermistor Sensors

Precision Thermistor Sensors for Laboratory Applications

94,82 ON-401-PP

  • The Model ON-401-PP is a PVC Insulated and Jacketed Sensor for Use in Short-Term Water or Sub-Soil Readings. This is the Most Rugged Waterproof Construction.
  • The Model ON-401-PP-V is a soft Vinyl Tipped version of the ON-401-PP Sensor.
  • The Model ON-402-PP Sensor is a Miniature Version of the ON-401-PP Sensor with a 1/8" Diameter Tip.
  • All Three Styles Have a Resistance of 2252 Ohms at 25°C
  • Standard Accuracy is ±0.1°C Between 0 to 70°C
  • Maximum Temperature: 100°C
  • All of These Sensor Models are Supplied with 120" (3 meter) Long PVC Insulated Cables and Phone Plug Connectors


Find how Thermistor elements work on this link.

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Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Thermistor Sensor with PVC Sleeve Over the Tip of the Sensor with a Resistance of 2252 Ohms at 25°C and an Accuracy of ±0.1°C Between 0 to 70°C. 120 " (3 meters) of Cable and Phone Plug Connector
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theON-401-PP-V
Consult Sales  
Thermistor Sensor with Soft PVC Tip Over the Sensor, a Resistance of 2252 Ohms at 25°C and an Accuracy of ±0.1°C Between 0 to 70°C. 120 " (3 meters) of Cable and Phone Plug Connector
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theON-402-PP
Lieferzeit: 17 Wochen
Thermistor Sensor with Sealed PVC Tip, a Resistance of 2252 Ohms at 25°C and an Accuracy of ±0.1°C Between 0 to 70°C. 120 " (3 meters) of Cable and Phone Plug Connector
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
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