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Deutschland 07056-9398-0
Internationale Rufnummer++49 (0) 7056-9398-0
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Precision Thermistor Sensors for Surface Temperature Measurements

ON-409 and ON-909 Series

Precision Thermistor Sensors for Surface Temperature Measurements | ON-409 and ON-909 Series

  • Thermistor is Contained in a Stamped 300 Series Stainless Steel Housing and is Epoxy Encapulated
  • Construction Provides Maximum Surface Contact
  • Ideally Suited for Applications Such as Determining Heat Loss, Compressor Efficiency and Measureing Manufold Temperature
  • The ON-909 is Available with Resistances of 2252 Ohms, 3000 Ohms, 5000 Ohms, 10,000 Ohms and 30,000 Ohms at 25°C
  • Standard Accuracy of the ON-409 is ±0.1°C between 0 to 70°C and the Standard Accuracy of the ON-909 is ±0.2°C between 0 to 70°C
  • Maximum Temperature: 100°C


Find how Thermistor elements work on this link.

Bestellangaben (Bitte Modellnummer angeben)

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Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
.44" Diameter surface sensor with a resistance of 2252 Ohms at 25°C, ±0.1°C accuracy between 0 to 70°C, and 120" (3 meters) of PFA insulated cable with phone plug connector
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
.44" Diameter surface sensor with a resistance of 2252 Ohms at 25°C, ±0.2°C accuracy between 0 to 70°C, and 12" (305mm) of PFA insulated cable with stripped leads
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
.44" Diameter surface sensor with a resistance of 3000 Ohms at 25°C, ±0.2°C accuracy between 0 to 70°C, and 12" (305mm) of PFA insulated cable with stripped leads
Lieferzeit: 4 Wochen
.44" Diameter surface sensor with a resistance of 5000 Ohms at 25°C, ±0.2°C accuracy between 0 to 70°C, and 12" (305mm) of PFA insulated cable with stripped leads
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
.44" Diameter surface sensor with a resistance of 10,000 Ohms at 25°C, ±0.2°C accuracy between 0 to 70°C, and 12" (305mm) of PFA insulated cable with stripped leads
Lieferzeit: 4 Wochen
.44" Diameter surface sensor with a resistance of 30,000 Ohms at 25°C, ±0.2°C accuracy between 0 to 70°C, and 12" (305mm) of PFA insulated cable with stripped leads
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: For additional cable length, add required length (in inches) to the end of the Model Number and add $0.80/FT to the price. For a phone plug connector, add "-PP" to the Model Number and add $7 to the price.

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