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Deutschland 07056-9398-0
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-50 to 1550°C, 30:1 High Performance Infrared Thermometer


Omega´s Industrial High Performance Infrared Pyrometer Series
 | OS836-Series

377,96 OS-836-301

1 year warranty CE
  • -50 to 1550°C (-58 to 2822°F) temperature range
  • 30:1 Field of View
  • Adjustable Emissivity: 0.10 to 1.00
  • <250 ms response time
  • High/Low Temperature Alarm
  • Min/Max/Avg/Diff readings
  • K-type Thermocouple Input
  • Auto power off feature
  • Dual Laser sighting for accurate targeting
  • Get started with the quick start guide!
Infrarot-Temperaturmessgeräte - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


The OS836-Series high performance infrared thermometer boasts 30 to 1 field of view, -50 to 1550℃ temperature range and ±2% accuracy above 0℃. This series device is great for non-contact measurement of surfaces that are far away and very high temperatures. The OS836-Series also has dual laser sighting to accurately target the targeted measurement area. This unit comes standard with a K-type thermocouple. Great for applications such as molten metals, asphalt, oil, rubber, concrete and many more. The 30:1 field of view, or distance to spot ratio, allows for precise measurement even from a larger distance.

Accuracy Chart
Device Accuracy = 1.5% rdg ±2℃ (3.6℉), 0-500℃;
2% rdg ±2℃(3.6℉), above 500℃
Target Temperature Upper Limit Reading Lower Limit Reading
5℃ 7.1℃ 2.9℃
100℃ 103.5℃ 96.5℃
150℃ 154.3℃ 145.8℃
700℃ 716℃ 684℃
1200℃ 1226℃ 1174℃
Bestellangaben (Bitte Modellnummer angeben)
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
-50 to 1550°C, 30:1 FOV, Infrared Thermometer
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
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