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Deutschland 07056-9398-0
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Clear Epoxy-bodied, Gel-filled Combination Alpha® Electrodes


Clear Epoxy-bodied, Gel-filled Combination Alpha® Electrodes | PHE-4200

115,65 PHE-4201

  • Five Electrode Styles
  • Covers Entire 0 to 14 pH Range
  • Clear Epoxy Body Construction
  • Fast Responding: 95% in Less than 1 Second
  • One-Year Guaranteed Shelf Life
  • Comes with OMEGA Quality Certificate
Laborelektroden - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


Find how a pH Meter works on this link.

OMEGA Engineering is pleased to offer a complete line of laboratory pH electrodes. The PHE-4200 Series are gel-filled, combination pH electrodes with a unique clear epoxy body design. With five electrode styles to choose from, you’re sure to find one suitable for your application. OMEGA ® PHE-4200 electrodes offer reliable quality at a reasonable cost. The electrodes measure the entire pH range from 0 to 14 pH units at 0 to 100°C (32 to 212°F) and feature an Ag/AgCI reference and polypropylene liquid junction. Each electrode comes in a soaker storage bottle to keep the electrode moist and ready for use. Shelf life is guaranteed for one year, and the OMEGA quality certificate provided assures that these electrodes meet the most stringent quality control requirements.
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Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHE-4201
Lieferzeit: 8 Wochen
General purpose 150mm length 12mm dia
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHE-4202
Lieferzeit: 8 Wochen
Double junction 150mm length 12mm dia
Lieferzeit: 8 Wochen
Flask size 300mm length 9.5mm dia
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHE-4272
Lieferzeit: 8 Wochen
Flat surface double junction 150mm length 12 mm dia
Lieferzeit: ab Lager
Semi-micro 150 mm length 6 mm dia
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: All electrodes are supplied with 750 mm (2 1 / 2 ft.) of cable and BNC connector.
Ordering Example: (1) PHE-4201 Gen. purpose electrode, €115,65  plus (1) PHE-4201 Gen. purpose electrode, €115,65, €115,65 + 115,65 = €231,30
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