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  Discontinued-Splashproof Portable pH/mV Measurement Kits


Splashproof Portable pH/mV Measurement Kits | PHH-257-KIT

Splashproof Portable pH/mV Measurement Kits

1.174,00 PHH-257-KIT

  • Splashproof Case
  • Suitable for Ion Selective Measurements
  • Automatic Buffer Recognition and Calibration
  • Diagnostic Error Code Displays for Faculty pH Electrode
  • Recorder Output
  • LCD Meter Display
pH-Instrumentierung für Feld und Labor - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


Discontinued, replaced by PHH444

Find how a pH Meter works on this link.

The PHH-257-KIT is designed for field and laboratory measurement of pH. Supplied as a complete kit, the PHH-257-KIT is perfect for transporting to remote locations, keeping the equipment organized and ready for future measurements. Standard features include automatic buffer recognition and calibration, diagnostic error code display to indicate defective electrodes or incorrect buffer solution. The meter has a very precise 0.1 mV resolution, ideal for ion selective measurements. The PHH-257-KIT comes complete with meter, epoxy-bodied general purpose pH electrode, temperature probe, carrying case and user’s manual.

Please download PDF below for complete product specifications.
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: Includes meter, epoxy-bodied general purpose pH electrode, temperature probe, carrying case and operator’s manual.
Ordering Example: (1) PHH-257-KIT pH meter with case, pH electrode and temperature probe, €1.174,00  plus (1) PHH-257-KIT pH meter with case, pH electrode and temperature probe, €1.174,00, €1.174,00 + 1.174,00 = €2.348,00
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