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Deutschland 07056-9398-0
Internationale Rufnummer++49 (0) 7056-9398-0


Plug-on Local Display | PM1000

Plug-on Local Display

237,42 PM1000

  • Unique Local Plug-on Display
  • Designed for the PXM4200 Series Pressure Transmitters
  • Designed for the PX4200 Series Pressure Transducers
  • Switching Setpoint - PM1001 only
Instrumente für Druck und Kraft - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


The PM1000 plug-on display is a local display suitable for the PX4200 series & PXM4200 pressure transmitters. The plug-on display is simply plugged in between the transmitter connector plug and socket and is then ready for operation. Directly from this unit, the following parameters can be set: zero, scale, decimal point position, damping and switching set point (PM1001 only).
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Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Plug-on Display
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Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Plug-on Display with Single Set-point
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: All models come with complete operators manual
Ordering Example: (1) PXM4200-016BGI Pressure Transmitter, 0 to 16 bar, 4-20mA output., €479,11  plus (1) PM1000 Local Plug on Display, €237,42, €479,11 + 237,42 = €716,53
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