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3-A Hygienic RTD Sensor with M12 Connector for use in Sanitary or Hygienic Clean-In-Place (CIP) Applications

PRS-M12 Series Hygienic RTD Sensors

3-A Pt100 Temperature sensor with M12 connector for quick and reliable IP67/68 electrical connection. | PRS-M12 Series Hygienic RTD Sensors

216,54 PRS-3-100-A-S-0300-D1-M12

  • 3-A Authorization
  • Can Be Used In Hygienic, Sanitary and Clean-In-Place Food, Dairy, Brewing and BioPharmeceutical Applications
  • M12, 4-Pin Connector Allows for Quick and Easy Installation.
  • 1½" Tri-Grip™ (Tri-Clamp® Compatible) Fitting Conforming to ASME-BPE-2007 Standard, Other Flange Diameters and Styles Available
  • Wetted Surfaces are 316L Stainless Steel With a Surface Finish = 32 Microinches or Better
  • 1/4" Diameter Probe Design for Standard Duty, or
    3/8" to 3/16" Stepped Probe Design For Heavy Duty Applications
  • Probe Lengths of 3", 4", 5" or 6" Available from Stock, Other Lengths Also Available.
  • 4-Wire, Pt100, Class A Platinum RTD Sensor (100.00±0.06&#Omega; at 0°C) Standard
  • Compatible with 3-Wire and 2-Wire RTD Instruments & Transmitters
Sensoren und Messumformer - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


Find how Sanitary Sensors works on this link.

The 3-A OMEGA™ PRS-S-M12 and PRS-H-M12 Series RTD Sensors are designed for use in Sanitary or Hygienic Clean-in-Place applications in the Food, Dairy, Beverage and BioPharmaceutical industries. These sensors are manufactured with 316L stainless steel housings that meet the dimensional and finish requirements of 3-A Standard 74 and ASME BPE-2007, and are welded and processed to provide a clean, smooth, 32 microinch or better surface finish in the wetted areas for Clean-in-Place processes.

The probe stems are manufactured in two configurations; with a standard ¼" diameter probe for standard duty service, and a stepped 3/8" to 3/16" diameter probe design for good response times in heavy duty applications.

A 4-Pin M12 Connector provides a quick and convenient connection point for process wiring.

Sanitary Temperature Sensor Specifications Include:
  • 316L stainless steel process wetted surfaces with surface finishes of 32 microinches or better.

  • Probe lengths of 3, 4, 5 or 6 inches available from stock, other lengths available as special orders.

  • Sensor Output is a 4-wire, 100 ohm, Class A, Platinum RTD meeting the requirements of IEC 60751.

  • 4-Pin M12 Connectors

  • These sensors can be used with 2-wire or 3-wire systems see information below.

  • Insulation resistance: 100 megohms minimum at 100 VDC.

  • Thermal response time of less than 2.5 seconds in water flowing at 3 ft/sec (63% response).

  • These sanitary RTD sensors are supplied standard as 4-wire assemblies with 4-pin connectors.
    When used in 3-wire applications, use pins A, B and C as shown in the wiring detail below.
    When used in 2-wire systems, connect one wire to pins A or B and the second wire to pins C or D as shown below.

    Wiring Diagram

    This M12 connector style sensor is also available in Thermistor element configurations in order to accommodate a wide variety of input requirements.
    Bestellangaben (Bitte Modellnummer angeben)

    Das haben Andere außerdem gekauft: Wenn Sie auf dieses Symbol klicken, erhalten Sie eine Liste mit Produkten, die andere Kunden zusammen mit diesem Modell gekauft haben.

    Straight Sheathed ¼" Diameter, Standard Duty Probe Assemblies
    Lieferzeit: 6 Wochen
    3" long standard duty probe
    Lieferzeit: 6 Wochen
    4" long standard duty probe
    Lieferzeit: 6 Wochen
    5" long standard duty probe
    Lieferzeit: 6 Wochen
    6" long standard duty probe
    Stepped 38" to 316" Diameter Sheath, Heavy Duty Probe Assemblies
    Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
    3" long heavy duty probe
    Lieferzeit: 6 Wochen
    4" long heavy duty probe
    Lieferzeit: 6 Wochen
    5" long heavy duty probe
    Lieferzeit: 6 Wochen
    6" long heavy duty probe
    Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theM12C-PUR-4-S-F-2
    Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
    2 Meter extension cable, polyurethane jacket with 4-pin M12 female connector
    Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theM12C-PUR-4-S-F-5
    Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
    5 Meter extension cable, polyurethane jacket with 4-pin M12 female connector
    Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theM12C-PVC-4-S-F-5
    Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
    5 Meter extension cable, PVC jacket with 4-pin M12 female connector
    Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theM12C-PUR-4-S-F-10
    Lieferzeit: ab Lager
    10 Meter extension cable, polyurethane jacket with 4-pin M12 female connector
    Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
    10 Meter extension cable, PVC jacket with 4-pin M12 female connector
    Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
    2 Meter extension cable, polyurethane jacket with right angled 4-pin M12 female connector
    Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theM12C-PVC-4-R-F-5
    Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
    5 Meter extension cable, PVC jacket with right angled 4-pin M12 female connector
    Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theM12C-PUR-4-R-F-5
    Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
    5 Meter extension cable, polyurethane jacket with right angled 4-pin M12 female connector
    Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theM12C-PVC-4-R-F-10
    Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
    10 Meter extension cable, PVC jacket with right angled 4-pin M12 female connector
    Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theM12C-PUR-4-R-F-10
    Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
    10 Meter extension cable, polyurethane jacket with right angled 4-pin M12 female connector
    *Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
  • For standard duty probe lengths longer than 6", change "-0600" in model number to the required length (example: 12" = "-1200", 9¼" = "-0925").
  • For heavy duty probe lengths longer than 6", change "-0600" in model number to the required length (example: 12" = "-1200", 9¼" = "-0925").
  • Contact sales for additional pricing

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