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Deutschland 07056-9398-0
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High Accuracy Barometric Pressure Transmitter


PX2780 Series Barometric Pressure | PX2780

PX2780 Series Barometric Pressure

989,59 PX2780-600B5V

  • Environmental Monitoring Systems
  • Weather Measurement Systems
  • Environmental Data Logging
  • Laboratory and Test Station Monitoring
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The PX2780 high accuracy barometric pressure transducers are designed for applications in industry and science where accuracy, fast dynamic response and long term stability are important. The sensor and electronics are packaged in a rugged stainless steel and polyester case. A removable 5-pin terminal strip makes fast and secure connections. A high accuracy ceramic sensor is coupled with a digital compensation circuit using a custom ASIC to assure consistent accuracy and reliability over a broad range of environmental conditions. There is also a sleep mode where the unit only draws 1 micro amp that allows almost instant turn on/ reading for remote applications

Accuracy: See table on Specifications sheet, click "Specs" button
Resolution: 0.1 hPa (mb)
Long Term Stability: <±0.1 hPa (mb)/year
Warm-Up Time: <1 second
Warm-Up Shift: <0.1 hPa (mb) maximum
Response Time: <100 ms
Proof Pressure: 1500 hPa (mb)
Burst Pressure: 2000 hPa (mb)
Storage Temperature: -60 to 120°C (-76 to 248°F)
Operating Temperature: -40 to 60°C (-40 to 140°F)
Compensated Range: -40 to 60°C (-40 to 140°F)
Zero Shift:
    Barometric: <±0.18% full scale/50°C (<±0.2% full scale/100°F)
Sensitivity Effects: <±0.09% full scale/50°C (<±0.1% full scale/100°F)
Excitation: 9.5 to 28 Vdc (3 mA operate mode, 1 µA sleep mode) 3- or 4-wire circuit
Output: 0 to 5 Vdc
    Full Scale Span Setting: ±5 mV
    Zero Setting: ±5 mV
Output Impedance: <10 Ω
Electrical Connection: Removable 5-pin terminal strip
Pressure Connection: 1/8" barbed fitting
Pressure Media: Non-condensing air or gas
Weight: 137 g (4.8 oz)
Mounting: Mounting plate
Bestellangaben (Bitte Modellnummer angeben)
Lieferzeit: 9 Wochen
Barometric Range 500 to 1100 hPa (mb)
Lieferzeit: 6 Wochen
Barometric Range 600 to 1100 hPa (mb)
Lieferzeit: 9 Wochen
Barometric Range 600 to 1060 hPa (mb)
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Barometric Range 800 to 1100 hPa (mb)
Lieferzeit: 6 Wochen
Barometric Range 800 to 1060 hPa (mb)
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: Comes complete with NIST traceable calibration certificate and operator’s manual.
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