€7.890,29 RD5110
RD5100 series chart recorders are 250 mm (10") hybrid recorders with multi-range input. Innovative design high performance recorder provides high accuracy, ±0.05%; high speed scanning, 0.1 second for 36 points and high speed recording, 1 line in 3 seconds. Simple operational keys and PC setting functions drastically improved usability of recording system. Func1: Switching each function Func2: Switching each function Enter: Setting a change of parameter for each mode Menu: Specifying each setting function Esc: Used to escape in the middle of setting Used to switch channels when specifying the parameter on cursor Used to switch channels when specifying the parameter on cursor Used to move cursor to the right Used to move cursor to the left Rec: Analog recording, digital recording, printing, switching chart ON/OFF DataP: Digital recording of latest data Feed: Fast-forwarding chart paper Shift: Specifying key |
. _ =: Setting characters of “. _ =” @ + -: Setting characters of “@ + -” 0 * /: Setting parameter value 0 and character of “* / ” 1ABC: Setting parameter value 1 and character of “ABC ” 2DEF: Setting parameter value 2 and character of “DEF” 3GHI: Setting parameter value 3 and character of “GHI” 4JKL: Setting parameter value 4 and character of “JKL” 5MNO: Setting parameter value 5 and character of “MNO” 6PQR: Setting parameter value 6 and character of “PQR” 7STU: Setting parameter value 7 and character of “STU” 8VWX: Setting parameter value 8 and character of “VWX” 9YZ: Setting parameter value 9 and character of “YZ” |
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