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Air Temperature RTD Sensors

RTD-805 and RTD-806

Pt100 air temperature sensor | RTD-805 and RTD-806

Pt100 air temperature sensor

161,51 RTD-805

  • RTD Sensors For Monitoring of Air and Gas Streams; Mounts in Any Orientation
  • Exposed Sensing Element Has Fast Response Times in Air
  • Available with Stainless Steel or Plastic Housings
  • High-Accuracy, 100 Ohm, Class A DIN Platinum Element
  • Mating Connector & other accessory Sold Separately


Omega's Air Temperature RTD sensors are designed for fast and accurate temperature sensing of still or moving air. The platinum thin film Pt100 sensing element is exposed to airflow while being protected from passing debris by a vented housing (available in both plastic and steel).

These sensors are made with a 1 metre long PFA insulated lead wire with a 3-pin miniature plug fitted. A mating socket is also supplied.
  RTD805 and RTD806 RTD sensors dimensions

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Lieferzeit: ab Lager
Steel housing, 1m of PFA insulated lead wire with mini plug and socket
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Plastic housing, 1m of PFA insulated lead wire with mini plug and socket
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
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