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Step and Direction Stepper Drives

STR Series

Step and Direction Stepper Drives | STR Series

Step and Direction Stepper Drives

173,44 STR2

1 year warranty CE
  • Sophisticated Current Control
    •STR2: 2 A/phase
    •STR4: 4 A/phase
    •STR8: 8 A/phase
  • Anti-Resonance for Optimized Torque and Smoothness Over a Wide Speed Range
  • Microstep Emulation for Creating Smooth Motion Even with Low-Resolution Step Signals
  • Up to 20,000 Steps/Revolution
  • Step and Direction or CW/CCW Pulse Operation
  • Built-In Noise Filter on STEP and DIR Inputs
  • Large Family of Compatible 2-Phase Stepper Motors
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The STR series stepper drive is a compact, powerful, digital step and direction drive available in three power ranges: 2 A/phase, 4 A/phase and 8 A/phase. The STR series is ideal for applications requiring basic step and direction control of a 2-phase step motor. STR drives feature advanced microstepping performance and sophisticated current control with anti-resonance. Anti-resonance electronically damps motor and system resonances, which improves motor smoothness and torque over a wide speed range.

All setup is done via dip switches and a rotary switch on the side of the drive, including motor selection, running current, idle current, and step resolution.

STR drives are available with a large family of compatible 2-phase step motors, selected to optimize performance of both the drive and motor.

NOTE: These drives require step pulses from a PLC or other controller.

Amplifier Type:
MOSFET, dual H-bridge, 4 quadrant
Current Control: 4 state PWM at 20 kHz
Output Current: Up to 2.2 A/phase, depending on motor selection
Switch Selectable % of Maximum Current: 100%, 90%, 80%, 70%
Power Supply: External 12 to 48 Vdc power supply required
Idle Current Reduction: Reduction to 50% or 90%, switch selectable

Amplifier Type:
MOSFET, dual H-bridge, 4 quadrant
Current Control: 4 state PWM at 20 kHz
Output Current: Up to 4.5 A/phase, depending on motor selection
Switch Selectable % of Maximum Current: 100%, 90%, 80%, 70%
Power Supply: External 24 to 48 Vdc power supply required
Idle Current Reduction: Reduction to 50% or 90%, switch selectable

Amplifier Type:
MOSFET, dual H-bridge, 4 quadrant
Current Control: 4 state Pwm at 20 kHz
Output Current: Up to 8 A/phase, depending on motor selection Switch
Selectable % of Maximum Current: 100%, 90%, 80%, 70%
Power Supply: External 24 to 75 Vdc power supply required
Idle Current Reduction: Reduction to 50% or 90%, switch selectable

Mode Of Operation:
Step and direction, Cw/Ccw
Microstep Resolution: Switch selectable: 200, 200 smooth, 400, 400 smooth, 2000, 5000, 12800, 20000 steps/revolution
Speed Range: Depends upon selected resolution; amplifier is suitable for speeds up to 50 rps
Anti Resonance: Raises the system damping ratio; eliminates midrange instability and allows stable operation to 50 rps
Waveform: Allows for fine adjustment of phase current waveform harmonic content to reduce low-speed torque ripple in the range 0.25 to 1.5 rps
Digital Noise Filter: Step pulse input: 150 kHz or 2 MHz, jumper selectable
Self Test Switch Selectable: Rotates motor 2 revolutions in each direction
Control Inputs: Step, direction, enable, optically isolated; 4 to 30 Vdc, 5 to 15 mA.
Step Input: Min pulse width = 250 ns; max pulse frequency = 2 MHz
Fault Output: Photodarlington, 80 mA, 30 Vdc max; voltage drop = 1.2 Vdc max at 80 mA
Ambient Temperature: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F) humidity 90% non-condensing
Bestellangaben (Bitte Modellnummer angeben)

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NEMA 17 stepper motor, 62.8 oz-in holding torque, 1.7 A/phase, parallel connection
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NEMA 17 stepper motor, 62.8 oz-in holding torque, 1.7 A/phase, parallel connection
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NEMA 24 stepper motor, 354 oz-in holding torque, 4.0 A/phase
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NEMA 34 stepper motor, 1200 oz-in holding torque, 4.1 A/phase, series connection
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NEMA 34 stepper motor, 396 oz-in holding torque, 3.18 A/phase, series connection
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NEMA 34 stepper motor, 849 oz-in holding torque, 3.18 A/phase, series connection
Recommended Motors for STR8
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NEMA 23 stepper motor, 354 oz-in holding torque, 5.0 A/phase, parallel connection
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NEMA 34 stepper motor, 650 oz-in holding torque, 8.6 A/phase, parallel connection
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NEMA 34 stepper motor, 1200 oz-in holding torque, 8.1 A/phase, parallel connection
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NEMA 34 stepper motor, 1845 oz-in holding torque, 9.01 A/phase, parallel connection
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NEMA 34 stepper motor, 396 oz-in holding torque, 6.3 A/phase, parallel connection
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NEMA 34 stepper motor, 849 oz-in holding torque, 6.3 A/phase, parallel connection
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NEMA 34 stepper motor, 1260 oz-in holding torque, 5.6 A/phase, parallel connection
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Ordering Example:  (1) STR4 Step/Direction stepper drive, 4A/phase, €324,07

Zugehörige Dokumentation:

Download STR4 and STR8 Series - Stepper Motor Drives
Download STR2 Series - Stepper Motor Drives
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