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Deutschland 07056-9398-0
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Universal Input Signal Conditioner With Two Relay alarm outputs and mA or Voltage Output


universal signal conditioner | TXDIN1700

universal signal conditioner

216,66 TXDIN1700

  • Rtd, Thermocouple, mV, V, mA and Potentiometer Input
  • Isolated Universal Voltage or Current Output
  • Dual C/O Relay Trip Outputs
  • Universal Power Requirement 22 to 250 V AC or DC
  • Powers both input and output current loops
  • Simple Configuration Via USB Port
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The TXDIN1700 is a universal DIN rail mounted signal conditioner. It has been designed to accept most common process and temperature sensor inputs and provide the user with either a current or voltage output signal plus dual relays with a 0 to 250 sec delay function.

Isolation is provided between input, outputs and supply. All temperature ranges are linear to temperature. Both input and output loop excitation is provided as well as a fully universal power supply.

Designed for ease of use, just connect a standard USB cable between the TXDIN1700 and your PC. Using our free configuration software, your PC will automatically upload the existing configuration data and guide you through any changes you wish to make. To further help save time, the TXDIN1700 is powered via the USB interface during configuration so does not need to be wired to a power supply during the set-up process.

The following parameters are available and configurable through software:

Input Type

Scale / Rate

Analogue Output

Relay Outputs

User Trim Options

       Pt100 .00385 (IEC)
       Pt100 .00391 (IPTS-68)
       Pt100 .00392 (IPTS-68)
       Pt100 .00393 (ITS-90)
       Ni100 .00618 (DIN)
       Ni120 .00672 (Nickel A)
       Cu100 .00427

°C / °F / °K

Update Rate

(4 to 20) mA Preset
(0 to 20) mA Preset
User Programmable Range

(0 to 10) V Preset
User Programmable Range

Fault Condition
Up Scale
Down Scale
User Programmable Setting

Output damping rise

Output damping fall



High Al
Low Al
High Con
Low Con

On Delay
Off Delay

1. Off

2. Trim

3. Pushbutton Configuration

  K, J, E, N, T, R, S, L, U, B,
  C(W5), D(W3), G(W)
Slide Wire      > 1KΩ

Process Variable Scaling

Update Rate

        (mA) ± 30 mA
       (4 to 20) mA Capability
       ± 50 mV
       ± 200mV
       ± 1V
       ± 10V

Tag ID.

Up to 15 Characters can be used


Temperature Inputs













(-200 to 1370) °C  (-320  to 2498) °F


1 Reading / Second

± 0.5 °C + (0.1 % of FSR)


4 Readings / Second

± 1.0 °C + (0.1 % of FSR)


10 Readings / Second

± 2.0 °C + (0.1 % of FSR)


±0.05 % FSR/°C


(-200 to 1200) °C  (-320 to 2190) °F


(-200 to 1000) °C  (-320 to 1832) °F




(-180 to 1300) °C  (-292 to 2372) °F


±0.08 % FSR/°C




(-200 to 400) °C  (-320 to 750) °F


±0.15 % FSR/°C

R *1*2

(-10 to 1760) °C  (-148 to 3200) °F

±0.10 % FSR/°C

S *1*2


(-100 to 600) °C  (-148 to 1100) °F

±0.08 % FSR/°C

B *1*2

(0 to 1600) °C  (32 to 3000) °F

±0.10 % FSR/°C


(0 to 600) °C  (32 to 1100) °F

±0.08 % FSR/°C

C(W5)  *2


(0 to 2300) °C  (32 to 4200) °F


±0.05 % FSR/°C

D(W3)  *2

G(W)   *2


Pt100.00385 (IEC)

(-200 to 850) °C  (-320 to 1560) °F

1 Reading / Second

± 0.15 °C + (0.05 % of FSR)


4 Readings / Second

± 0.5 °C + (0.1 % of FSR)


10 Readings / Second

± 1.0 °C + (0.1 % of FSR)




±0.015 % FSR / °C *3

Pt100  .00391 (IPTS-68)

(-200 to 630) °C  (-320 to 1160) °F

Pt100  .00392 (IPTS-68)

Pt100  .00393 (ITS-90)

(-200 to 960) °C  (-320 to 1760) °F

Ni 100 .00618 (DIN)

(-60 to 180) °C  (-76 to 320) °F

Ni120  .00672 (Nickel A)

(-80 to 260) °C  (-112 to 460) °F

Cu100 .00427

Cu 53 (GOST)

(-50 to 180) °C  (-58 to 320) °F

Key. FSR = Full Scale range

*1 only over the range (800 to 1600) °C, *2 cold junction tracking range (0 to 70) °C, *3 Ambient (-10 to 50) °C

Impedance (Thermocouple): 1 MΩ
Open Circuit sensor bias:  0.2 uA
Cold junction range:   -20 to +70°C
Cold Junction Accuracy:   ± 0.5°C
Cold Junction Tracking:  ± 0.05°C
RTD Connection:  2 or 3 wire
RTD Lead Resistance:  20 Ω Max
RTD Lead effect:  0.015 °C / Ω
RTD Excitation Current:  < 1 mA
Update Rate (Resolution):  1 readings / second (16 Bits); 4 Readings / Second (14 Bits); 10 readings / Second (12 Bits)
Galvanic Isolation:  500 V to output: 3750 V to supply and Relays
Indication (State LED):  Green Flashing = OK, Green Solid = input/output error configuration indication refer to manual.

Process Inputs









50 mV

±  50 mV   (Max ± 75 mV)

1 Reading / Second

±0.04% + (0.1% of FSR)


4 Readings / Second

± 0.1 % + (0.1 % of FSR)


10 Readings / Second

± 0.2 % + (0.1 % of FSR)



± 0.04 % FSR/ °C

200 mV

±200 mV  (Max ± 230 mV)

1 V

± 1 V  (Max ± 1.3 V )

10 V

± 10 V   (Max ± 11 V)


± 25 mA  (Max ±30 mA)

Slide Wire

(0 to 100) % (1 to 1000) KΩ pot

± 0.05 % / °C


(20 to 400) Ω Max (0 to 480) Ω

± 0.025 % FSR / °C


Voltage Input Impedance:  1 MΩ
Current Input Impedance:   20 Ω
Slide Wire Input Range:   1 KΩ to 1000 KΩ Pot
Resistance Connection:  2 or 3 Wire
Galvanic Isolation:  500 V to output: 3750 V to supply and Relays
Update Rate (Resolution):  1 readings / second (16 Bits); 4 Readings / Second (14 Bits); 10 readings / Second (12 Bits)


Current Output

Ranges: 4 to 20 mA; 0 to 20 mA; User (between 0 and 24 mA; min span 0.5)
Fault Signal:  Up: 22.5 mA, Down: 3.8 mA, User: 0 to 25 mA
Type: Two wire current sink; or two wire current source
Supply in sink mode:  (11 to 30) V dc, 24 V nominal
Max loop load:  Sink mode loop load of 600 Ω @ 24 V; Source mode 550 Ω
Response time:  < 500 ms to reach 95 % of final value; Start up time < 3 s
Calibration Accuracy: ± 5 uA
Loop Effects:  Loop ripple 0.03 % of FSR;
Supply sensitivity: Supply ripple rejection < ± 5 uA error @ 1 V rms 50 Hz ripple
Protection: Reverse connection and over-voltage protection. Max over voltage current 100 mA.

User Adjust Options: 
  1. Off (Locked)
  2. Push button user adjust at both ± 10 % of zero and ± 10 % of span
  3. Manual Push Button range configuration

Current Output Damping: Programmable rise and fall (0 to 250) seconds, for a (0 to 20) mA swing.
Stability:  ± 5 uA / °C

Voltage Output

Ranges: 0 to 10 V, User (0 to 12 V, span 0.5 V)
Fault Signal:  Up: 11.5 V, Down:  0V, User: 0 to 13 V
Type: Voltage generated across 500 Ω resistor
Min Load: 10 KΩ User Configurable correction for Load.
Response time:  < 500 ms to reach 95 % of final value; Start up time < 3 s
Calibration Accuracy: ± 5 mV
Galvanic Isolation:  500 V (48 Vdc working I/P to O/P), 3750 V to supply and Relays
User Trim: Push button user adjust at both zero and span
Voltage Output Damping:  Programmable rise and fall (0 to 250) seconds, for a (0 to 10) V swing.
Stability:  ± 1mV / °C

Relay Outputs

Type: Dual Form C relay contacts
Contact rating: (240 V ac rms @ 1A; 30 V dc @ 1 A) Resistive Load
Relay Type: Individual relays 1 & 2 high or low level, full range set-point plus adjustable Hysteresis
Ranges: Set-point programmed on units, covering full range of input. Hysteresis  Set in units.
Isolation: To any other port 3750 V
Delay:  Programmable on / off delay (0 to 250) seconds for each relay.

Power Supply

Range: (20 to 240) V dc, (20 to 240) V ac 50/60 Hz
Power: 3 W max
Protection: Internal fuse, Over Voltage
Galvanic Isolation:  Supply to any port 3750 V


Ambient Operating: (-20 to 70) °C (10 to 95) % RH non-condensing.
Storage Temp.: (-40 to 85) °C
Approvals: CE tested to BS EN 61326; BS EN 61010_1
Dimensions:  120 deep, 106 high, 22.5 mm wide

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