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TXUN Tool Kit for USB Communications Interface


TXUN Tool Kit for USB Communications Interface | Omega | TXUN-KIT

TXUN Tool Kit for USB Communications Interface | Omega

286,99 TXUN-KIT

1 year warranty CE
  • Communication Tool Kit for TXUN Family
  • Work with OMSET Software Free Down Loading
  • USB Connection & Plug and Play
Mess- und Prozesstechnik - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


• TXUN-KIT is a communications interface for configuration and monitoring of TXUN series programmable devices using our OMSET software.
• The OMSET software is used for the configuration of these devices: TXUN-ST, TXUN-FM, TXUN-HT, and etc.
Technical Characteristics
• TXUN-KIT consists of a communication box with USB cable to the PC and necessary cables for connection to the devices. The communication box is supplied from the USB port of the PC.
Bestellangaben (Bitte Modellnummer angeben)
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
USB Communication Tool Kit for DRST-FR & TXUN Series
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
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