Deutschland  |  0800-8266342 Gebührenfrei

DATASHUTTLE EXPRESS - DS-EXP is not found using SPP mode on Dell Latitude XPi, under Windows 95, but works in Windows 3.1 or DOS.

CAUSE: Windows 95 finds an ECP port, even if the BIOS is set to SPP, and causes the DATASHUTTLE Express to look for a functional ECP port which isn't there.

SOLUTION: Contact DELL and upgrade the BIOS to A07.exe for the XPi P100SD; A10.exe for the XPi P75D; XPDT-ao4.exe for the XP4100T 486. For other models, inquire with Dell technical support. The BIOS upgrade can be downloaded from the Dell web site. From their home page, click on 'Service and Support', then click on the Files Library icon, then click on the FlasBIOS updates. (also see DS-EXP Tech note 1 and DS-EXP Tech note 3

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