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DATASHUTTLE EXPRESS - Unit is Not Found in parallel port ECP mode. DTEST reports that the port is ECP, but the port is actually working in SPP mode.

CAUSE: Some ports are supposed to be ECP, but do not meet the ECP standard, and fail to function in ECP mode with the DATASHUTTLE EXPRESS.

SOLUTION 1: Change the port to EPP or any other mode except ECP. This is typically done by changing CMOS (BIOS) settings. Sometimes it is necessary to run a utility to change some of the CMOS settings. You may need to get the program from the PC manufacturer by calling their tech support. For instance, the Compaq Contura 400C has this problem. A file named SP1630.exe can be obtained from the Compaq web site at After making the change, check it by running DTEST.

The 420C also has this problem. The file name for this model is sp2158.exe. This utility will properly configure the port to ECP on this model.

SOLUTION 2: Change the STI_DRV.INI file to tell the driver to use the parallel port in SPP mode: under the heading [STIDRV] enter the line UseECP=0. The line must be exactly as typed, including capitals. The file is found in the Windows directory.

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