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Leaf Surface Temperaure Probe - for Instant Measurement of Flat Surfaces

88L40K and 88L75K

Leaf Surface Probes  | 88L40K and 88L75K

Leaf Surface Probes

158,79 88L40K

  • Measures 0 to 300°C (32 to 572°F)
  • Type K Thermocouple
  • Accuracy ±2°C (4°F)
  • Fast Response <5 Sec
  • 40 and 75 mm (1.5 and 3") Lengths
  • Supplied with
    • Coiled Cord – 30 mm (1') Stretches to Over 1.5 m (5')
    • Protective Leaf Cover
    • Ergonomic Handle
    • Miniature Connector with Mating Connector
  • A unique surface temperature probe
Thermoelemente - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


These unique leaf style surface probes are designed for instant measurement of temperature on flat surfaces and offer special surface temperature probe capabilities.

Their ultra low thermal mass and flexible construction make them ideal for rugged industrial applications. Their Type K thermocouple is compatible with all standard handheld digital thermometers.

Model No.Max. Temp.A DimensionApplications
88L40K300°C (572°F)40 mm (1.5")Type K Thermocouple
For flat surfaces
88L75K300°C (572°F)75 mm (3")
Bestellangaben (Bitte Modellnummer angeben)
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
40 mm Leaf probe
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
75 mm Leaf probe
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: Response time for probes is under 5 seconds. Probes come with a protective cover and a coiled cable that stretches to 1.5 m (5') and a miniature Type K connector.
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