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Adjustable Depth Armored Thermocouples


Adjustable Depth Armored Thermocouples | ADR and ADF

Adjustable Depth Armored Thermocouples

63,47 ADR-E-G-1-24-1

  • Locking Fitting Freely Adjustable Over Flexible Armor
  • Spring-Action Catch Holds Probe Firmly in Place
  • TYPE ADF Fixed Locking Cap Becomes a Permanent Part of Your Installation
  • TYPE ADR Removable Locking Cap Bayonet Fitting Connects with a Twist
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This unique thermocouple is easy to adjust to ANY immersion depth into thermowells (but NOTE: this probe cannot be immersed in liquids). Adjustable depth eliminates the need to stock a variety of fixed depth immersion probes. The locking cap can be positioned anywhere along the flexible armor and obtains its locking force from a unique spring- action catch. The welded stainless steel tipped probe is held against the bottom of the well by compression of the armor.

Two styles are available. Style ADF has a unique locking fitting that mounts permanently to your equipment. The quick release action of the locking fitting allows fast installation and removal of the probe.

Style ADR has a removable locking fitting and requires a BTA adapter. This style is ideal for installations where the mounting surface is under a layer of insulation, or where the locking cap must be removable.

Detailed Dimensions for ADR, ADF, and Termination Styles

Bestellangaben (Bitte Modellnummer angeben)
Example part numbers are shown below. For additional configurations see the Part Number Builder below this table.
Lieferzeit: 5 Wochen
Removable Locking Cap Probe, Type E, grounded junction, A dimension 1", B dimension 24", Spade Lugs Termination
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Removable Locking Cap Probe, Type J, grounded junction, A dimension 1/2", B dimension 30", Male Quick Disconnect Termination
Lieferzeit: 5 Wochen
Removable Locking Cap Probe, Type K, ungrounded junction, A dimension 2", B dimension 48", Spade Lugs Termination
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Removable Locking Cap Probe, Type T, ungrounded junction, A dimension 2", B dimension 48", Female Quick Disconnect Termination
Lieferzeit: 4 Wochen
Locking Fitting
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Locking Fitting

Bestellung nach Modellnummer


*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: Click here for help in selecting the thermocouple junction.


Stellen Sie Ihre Modellnummer zusammen

(1) Style Wählen Sie:
ADR für style ADR
ADF für style ADF

(2) Calibration Wählen Sie:
J für J type
K für K type
T für T type
E für E type

(3) Junction(see notes section above help selecting the junction) Wählen Sie:
G für Grounded
U für Ungrounded

(4) A dimension Wählen Sie:
1/2 für 1/2 in.
1 für 1 in.
2 für 2 in.
3 für 3 in.

(5) B dimension Wählen Sie:
24 für 24 in.
30 für 30 in.
36 für 36 in.
48 für 48 in.

(6) Termination Styles Wählen Sie:
1 für Spade Lugs
2 für Male Quick Disconnect Type OST
3 für Femail Quick Disconnect Type OST
Anmerkung: Nicht alle Optionen können miteinander kombiniert werden, die gültigen Teilenummern entnehmen Sie bitte dem Datenblatt.
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