€42,90 IRCO-010-BW
Click if you want to know more about thermocouple cable.These un-insulated thermocouples feature a butt-welded junction and are ideal for applications where a fast response is required, or where there is insufficient space to accommodate a standard "beaded" thermocouple. They are also used where wire insulation materials may contaminate the process. They are available in base metal thermocouple types of K, T, J and E. Platinum/Rhodium alloys are also available, in thermocouple types R, S and B.
Base Metal Thermocouples. (Supplied in packs of 5)
Prices given for 300mm lengths. Other diameters and lengths are available on special order. A 300mm length corresponds to a 600mm loop. To order longer lead lengths refer to the pdf data sheet.
Platinum/Rhodium Thermocouples (Supplied individually)
Prices given for 150mm lengths. Other diameters and lengths are available on special order. A 150mm length corresponds to a 300mm loop. To order longer lead lengths for Pt/Rh calibrations, refer to the pdf data sheet.