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Variable DC Motor Speed Controller

OMDC-125 Series Variable Speed Control

Variable DC Motor Speed Controller  - order online | OMDC-125 Series Variable Speed Control

Variable DC Motor Speed Controller - order online

182,88 OMDC-125DV-C

1 year warranty CE
  • Dual Voltage 120/240 Vac or 24/36 Vac
  • Adjustable Horsepower Settings
  • Full Wave Bridge Supply
  • 1% Speed Regulation
  • Adjustable Min and Max Speeds
  • Fixed 0.5 Sec Acceleration
  • Speed Potentiometer Kit Included (Leads, Dial and Knob Included)
  • Line Voltage Compensated
  • 50:1 Speed Range
  • Chassis Mount
Antriebe und Motoren - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


The OMDC-125 Series variable speed DC Control is a cost efficient, reliable control for PM, shunt wound, and universal DC motors that incorporates up-to-date design and engineering into a compact package. Installation and field adjustments are facilitated using a barrier type terminal strip and large, easily adjustable trimpots. Adjustable horsepower range: 120 Vac; 1/8 to 1/2; 240 Vac; 1/25 to 1/4 and 1/4 to 1. The OMDC-123DC model operates on low input voltage of 24/36 Vac with an output of 150 mA to 5.5 ADC.
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24 VAC input: 0-20 VDC output       36 VAC Input: 0-30 VDC output
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
24/36 Vac input, 0-30 Vdc output, 5.5A
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24/36 Vac input, 0-30 Vdc output, with independently adjustable linear accel and decel option
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24/36 Vac input, 0-30 Vdc output, with 4 -20 mA isolated signal follower option
120 VAC input: 0-90 VDC output, 0.5 HP       240 VAC Input: 0-180 VDC output, 1 HP
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
120/240 Vac input, 0-180 Vdc output, with independently adjustable linear accel and decel option
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Lieferzeit: 3 Wochen
120/240 Vac input, 0-180 Vdc output
Lieferzeit: 5 Wochen
120/240 Vac input, 0-180 Vdc output, with 4-20 mA isolated signal follower option
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Heat sink 178 L x 159 W x 35 mm D (7 x 6.25 x 1.375")
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Spare 5K potentiometer kit
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: Comes with operator manual and speed pot kit.
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