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Deutschland 07056-9398-0
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4 x 2 mm Pt100 Elements with 1 m Long 2, 3 or 4 Wire Cable


4 x 2 mm Pt100 Elements with 1 m Long 2, 3 or 4 Wire Cable | RTD-(*)-F3102

4 x 2 mm Pt100 Elements with 1 m Long 2, 3 or 4 Wire Cable

75,84 RTD-1-F3102-1M-G

  • 3.9 x 1.9mm Pt100 Ω, DIN Class A Elements
  • 2-, 3- or 4-Wire lead wire attached
  • 1m Long Cable with PFA or Fibreglass Insulation
  • Other cable lengths, insulation and element resistances available
  • Stripped Wire Ends Standard

    Common Options
  • Miniature or Standard Size Plugs, Terminal Lugs or Mini-DIN Connectors
Thermoelemente - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


Find how a Pt100 works on this link.

All of OMEGA’s RTD elements can be supplied with additional lead wire attached to existing leads. Longer leads create more flexibility for use in many applications.

Pricing for several popular models is shown in the ordering table below. Use the Part Number Builder to obtain pricing for other models.
For complete product specifications see the Related Links section at the bottom of this page.
Bestellangaben (Bitte Modellnummer angeben)
Lieferzeit: 4 Wochen
F3102 element with 2-wire PFA insulated 1m cable
Lieferzeit: 4 Wochen
F3102 element with 2-wire Glassfibre insulated 1m cable
Consult Sales  
F3102 element with 2-wire non-insulated 1m cable
Lieferzeit: 4 Wochen
F3102 element with 3-wire PFA insulated 1m cable
Lieferzeit: 4 Wochen
F3102 element with 4-wire PFA insulated 1m cable
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: These elements are not intended for direct immersion into liquids.
Ordering Example: (1) RTD-1-F3102-1M-T F3102 element with 1m long PFA insulated 2-wire cable, €72,86


Stellen Sie Ihre Modellnummer zusammen

(1) Wire Style Wählen Sie:
1 für 2-wire
2 für 3-wire
3 für 4-wire

(2) Lead Wire Insulation Type Wählen Sie:
T für PFA
G für Fibreglass
B für Bare
Anmerkung: Nicht alle Optionen können miteinander kombiniert werden, die gültigen Teilenummern entnehmen Sie bitte dem Datenblatt.
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