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Deutschland 07056-9398-0
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Self-Adhesive Thermocouples


Self-Adhesive Thermocouples | SA3

Self-Adhesive Thermocouples

  • Polyimide Carrier
  • Self-Adhesive Backing
  • Low Mass Junction Area for Fast Response
  • Resistant to many Chemicals and Oils
  • Temperature Range: -40 to 260°C (-40 to 500°F)
  • Available in Type J, K, T, and E Thermocouples, ANSI or IEC Colour Codes
  • Available with Miniature Colour Coded Connectors
Thermoelemente - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


These thermocouples can be used in outdoor and wet environments, including bright sunlight, with little to no effect on performance or accuracy. Our unique construction techniques provides a fast responding thermocouple junction in a thin and flexible mounting pad. These SA3 thermocouples are available in 2 styles, stripped #30AWG solid leads, or with a miniature color coded connector.

Thermocouple: ANSI color code J/K/T/E or IEC color code JI/KI/TI/EI
Accuracy: Special limits of error
Junction Type: Ungrounded sensor construction
     Polyimide tape base with silicone adhesive and paper peel sheet
     Polyimide tape cover
     PFA insulated and jacketed 30 AWG cable
     Glass filled nylon connector when specified
Temperature Range:
    Sensor: -17 to 260°C (0 to 500°F)
    Connector: -29 to 180°C (-20 to 356°F)
Insulation Resistance: 100 MΩ minimum at 100 Vdc at room temperature and sensor mounted to surface
Bestellangaben (Bitte Modellnummer angeben)

Das haben Andere außerdem gekauft: Wenn Sie auf dieses Symbol klicken, erhalten Sie eine Liste mit Produkten, die andere Kunden zusammen mit diesem Modell gekauft haben.

Stripped Lead Termination
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theSA3-K
Lieferzeit: 9 Wochen
Fast response self-adhesive Type K thermocouple, 1 m (40") long
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theSA3-K-72
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Fast response self-adhesive Type K thermocouple, 2 m (80") long
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theSA3-K-120
Lieferzeit: ab Lager
Fast response self-adhesive Type K thermocouple, 3 m (120") long
Molded Miniature Cable Termination
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theSA3-K-SRTC
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Fast response self-adhesive thermocouple, 1 m (40") long, Type K with strain relef connector
Lieferzeit: 9 Wochen
Fast response self-adhesive thermocouple, 2 m (80") long, Type K with strain relef connector
Lieferzeit: 9 Wochen
Fast response self-adhesive thermocouple, 3 m (120") long, Type K with strain relef connector
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Fast response self-adhesive thermocouple, 40" long, Type T with strain relef connector
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Fast response self-adhesive thermocouple,  72" long, Type T with strain relef connector
Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
Fast response self-adhesive thermocouple, 120" long, Type J with strain relef connector
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: * Specify thermocouple ANSI colour code: J, K, T or E or IEC color code JI, KI, TI or EI.


Stellen Sie Ihre Modellnummer zusammen

(1) Color Code Wählen Sie:
-J für Thermocouple type J
-K für Thermocouple type K
-T für Thermocouple type T
-E für Thermocouple type E
-JI für IEC thermocouple type J
-KI für IEC thermocouple type K
-TI für IEC thermocouple type T
-EI für IEC thermocouple type E

(2) Lead Length Wählen Sie:
Keine (Feld leer lassen) für 40 inches
-72 für 80 inches
-120 für 120 inches

(3) Termination Wählen Sie:
Keine (Feld leer lassen) für Stripped lead
-SRTC für Molded miniature cable
Anmerkung: Nicht alle Optionen können miteinander kombiniert werden, die gültigen Teilenummern entnehmen Sie bitte dem Datenblatt.
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